Hot Sauce Committee Part Two

May 3rd, 2011 Comments off

I don’t wear Crocs, and I don’t wear sandals/The pump don’t work ’cause the vandals took the handles.

A new Beastie Boys album!
“Hot Sauce Committee Part Two” (Capitol)

You can listen to it here:
RS article —

Seven Dimensions

April 29th, 2011 Comments off

Dado – Etnik – Joys – Pazo – Peeta – TomoZ – Verbo

a cura di
Claudio Musso e Fabiola Naldi

opening 7 maggio 2011 – h 18.30

dal 7 al 29 maggio 2011

Il Comune di Ravenna – Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili, quale comune capofila, in collaborazione con il Comune di Cesena e associazioni culturali dei rispettivi territori (in qualità di partners fra cui l’Associazione Romagna in Fiore), a seguito della pubblicazione del bando “Giovani Energie in Comune”, promosso dal Dipartimento della Gioventù della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri e dall’Anci Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani rivolto ad iniziative progettuali riguardanti le politiche giovanili, risulta primo della graduatoria, aggiudicatario dell’approvazione e dell’ammissione al finanziamento per il progetto “Valorizzazione della street art e del writing urbano: – “RigenerArte – writing urbano in Romagna”, per l’attivazione di corsi, laboratori e concorsi e la messa a disposizione di spazi per la pratica artistica.

Nell’ambito di tale progettazione l’associazione Romagna in fiore presenta il progetto Seven Dimensions a cura di Claudio Musso e Fabiola Naldi.
Il progetto Seven Dimension punta l’attenzione su un aspetto poco studiato e difficilmente identificabile del campo d’azione del Writing: la produzione tridimensionale.
I sette artisti invitati offrono uno spaccato di tale evoluzione sul territorio nazionale oltre che rappresentare alcuni degli esiti più avanzati dell’intero panorama del Writing.
Sebbene già alla fine degli anni Novanta in Italia, come nel resto del mondo, l’evoluzione dello stile avesse aperto inedite traiettorie di fuoriuscita dalla bidimensionalità, non esistono studi di settore o rassegne sull’argomento.
Per Dado, Etnik, Joys, Pazo, Peeta, TomoZ, Verbo la bomboletta non è l’unico e privilegiato mezzo di produzione, anzi la loro attitudine al polimorfismo nel tempo si è trasformata in un campionario di opere che, ponendosi in un territorio di confine tra arte, architettura e design, sono indifferentemente costituite di materiali quali il marmo, il legno, i metalli, la plastica, il polistirolo, il cemento e persino il video.
Il punto cruciale delle ricerche dei sette writer rimane ancorato allo studio della lettera, all’indagine ingegneristica che fa del loro nome una materia sensibile sottoposta a scomposizioni e manipolazioni plurime, uno studio tipografico deviato e parallello in cui i caratteri fioriscono, esplodono, si riassemblano alla stregua degli organismi viventi.
La mostra è documentata e accompagnata da un catalogo che oltre a contenere immagini rappresentative delle principali opere degli artisti, riporta il testo critico di Fabiola Naldi, che analizza questioni legate al rapporto opera/spazio, opera/ambiente e quello di Claudio Musso incentrato sulle tematiche correlate al binomio lettera/struttura.

Santa Maria delle Croci
via Guacciamanni 5/7 – Ravenna
ingresso libero / catalogo in mostra
orari: dal giovedì alla domenica / 18.00 – 21.00

Categories: arte, graffiti writing Tags: , , ,

Soul Brother # 1

April 27th, 2011 Comments off

a James Brown mix

compiled mixed and ripped (from vinyl records to mp3) by THX

zodiac blowfly a

i’m qualified to satisfy you

April 24th, 2011 Comments off
Categories: crate digging Tags: , , ,

Blowfly’s Rapp

April 23rd, 2011 Comments off

Blowfly’s Rapp

Blowfly in his superhero costume

— Blowfly documentary film

soul masters

April 22nd, 2011 Comments off

a soul trax collection (compiled, mixed and ripped from 45 rpm vinyls to mp3 format by THX)

Categories: crate digging Tags: , , , ,

Sucker MC’s (live video)

April 18th, 2011 Comments off

Run DMC – Sucker MC’s

Two years ago a friend of mine
Asked me to say some MC rhymes
So I said this rhyme I’m about to say
The rhyme was Def a-then it went this way
Took a test to become an MC
And Orange Krush became amazed at me
So Larry put me inside, his Cad-illac
The chaffeur drove off and we never came back
Dave cut the record down to the bone
And now they got me rockin on the microphone
And then we talkin autograph, and here’s the laugh
Champagne caviar, and bubble bath
But see ahh, ah that’s the life, ah that I lead
And you sucker MC’s is who I please
So take that and move back catch a heart attack
Because there’s nothin in the world, that Run’ll ever lack
I cold chill at a party in a b-boy stance
And rock on the mic and make the girls wanna dance
Fly like a Dove, that come from up above
I’m rockin on the mic and you can call me Run-Love

I got a big long Caddy not like a Seville
And written right on the side it reads ‘Dressed to Kill’
So if you see me cruisin girls just a-move or step aside
There ain’t enough room to fit you all in my ride
it’s on a, ah first come, first serve basis
Coolin out girl, take you to the def places
One of a kind and for your people’s delight
And for you sucker MC, you just ain’t right
Because you’re bitin all your life, you’re cheatin on your wife
You’re walkin round town like a hoodlum with a knife
You’re hangin on the ave, chillin with the crew
And everybody know what you’ve been through

Ah with the one two three, three to two one
My man Larry Larr, my name DJ Run
We do it in the place with the highs and the bass
I’m rockin to the rhythm won’t you watch it on my face
Go Uptown and come down to the ground
You sucker MC’s, you bad face clown
You five dollar boy and I’m a million dollar man
You’re a sucker MC, and you’re my fan
You try to bite lines, but rhymes are mine
You’re a sucker MC in a pair of Calvin Klein
Comin from the wackest, part of town
Tryin to rap up but you can’t get down
You don’t even know your english, your verb or noun
You’re just a sucker MC you sad face clown
So DMC and if you’re ready
The people rockin steady
You’re drivin big cars get your gas from Getti

I’m DMC in the place to be
I go to St. John’s University
And since kinde-garten I acquired the knowledge
And after 12th grade I went straight to college
I’m light skinned, I live in Queens
And I love eatin chicken and collard greens
I dress to kill, I love the style
I’m an MC you know who’s versatile
Say I got good credit in your regards
Got my name not numbers on my credit cards
I go Uptown, I come back home
with who me myself and my microphone
All my rhymes are sweet delight
So here’s another one for y’all to bite
When I rhyme, I never quit
And if I got a new rhyme I’ll just say it
Cause it takes a lot, to entertain
And sucker MC’s can be a pain
You can’t rock a party with the hip in hop
You gotta let em know you’ll never stop
The rhymes have to make (a lot of sense)
You got to know where to start (when the beats commence…)

lyrics from the OHHLA —

Artist: Run-D.M.C.
Album:  Run-D.M.C.
Song:   Sucker M.C.'s
Typed by: OHHLA Webmaster DJ Flash

Two years ago, a friend of mine
Asked me to say some MC rhymes
So I said this rhyme I'm about to say
The rhyme was Def a-then it went this way
Took a test to become an MC
And Orange Krush became amazed at me
So Larry put me inside, his Cad-illac
The chaffeur drove off and we never came back
Dave cut the record down to the bone
And now they got me rockin on the microphone
And then we talkin autograph, and here's the laugh
Champagne caviar, and bubble bath
But see ahh, ah that's the life, ah that I lead
And you sucker MC's is who I please
So take that and move back catch a heart attack
Because there's nothin in the world, that Run'll ever lack
I cold chill at a party in a b-boy stance
And rock on the mic and make the girls wanna dance
Fly like a Dove, that come from up above
I'm rockin on the mic and you can call me Run-Love

I got a big long Caddy not like a Seville
And written right on the side it reads 'Dressed to Kill'
So if you see me cruisin girls just a-move or step aside
There ain't enough room to fit you all in my ride
it's on a, ah first come, first serve basis
Coolin out girl, take you to the def places
One of a kind and for your people's delight
And for you sucker MC, you just ain't right
Because you're bitin all your life, you're cheatin on your wife
You're walkin round town like a hoodlum with a knife
You're hangin on the ave, chillin with the crew
And everybody know what you've been through

Ah with the one two three, three to two one
My man Larry Larr, my name DJ Run
We do it in the place with the highs and the bass
I'm rockin to the rhythm won't you watch it on my face
Go Uptown and come down to the ground
You sucker MC's, you bad face clown
You five dollar boy and I'm a million dollar man
Youse a sucker MC, and you're my fan
You try to bite lines, but rhymes are mine
Youse a sucker MC in a pair of Calvin Klein
Comin from the wackest, part of town
Tryin to rap up but you can't get down
You don't even know your english, your verb or noun
You're just a sucker MC you sad face clown
So D.M.C. and if you're ready
The people rockin steady
You're drivin big cars get your gas from Getti

I'm D.M.C. in the place to be
I go to St. John's University
And since kinde-garten I acquired the knowledge
And after 12th grade I went straight to college
I'm light skinned, I live in Queens
And I love eatin chicken and collard greens
I dress to kill, I love the style
I'm an MC you know who's versatile
Say I got good credit in your regards
Got my name not numbers on my credit cards
I go Uptown, I come back home
with who me myself and my microphone
All my rhymes are sweet delight
So here's another one for y'all to bite
When I rhyme, I never quit
And if I got a new rhyme I'll just say it
Cause it takes a lot, to entertain
And sucker MC's can be a pain
You can't rock a party with the hip in hop
You gotta let em know you'll never stop
The rhymes have to make (a lot of sense)
You got to know where to start (when the beats commence..)
Categories: beat making, emceeing Tags: , ,

midnight rider

April 17th, 2011 Comments off

Buddy Miles “Midnight Rider”
(Allman, Payne)

Well, I’ve got to run to keep from hidin’
And I’m bound to keep on ridin’
And I’ve got one more silver dollar

But I’m not gonna let ’em catch me, no
Not gonna let ’em catch the midnight rider

And I don’t own the clothes I’m wearing
And the road goes on forever
And I’ve got one more silver dollar

But I’m not gonna let ’em catch me, no
Not gonna let ’em catch the midnight rider

And I’ve gone by the point of caring
Some old bed I’ll soon be sharing
And I’ve got one more silver dollar

But I’m not gonna let ’em catch me, no
Not gonna let ’em catch the midnight rider

No, I’m not gonna let ’em catch me, no
Not gonna let ’em catch the midnight rider

No, I’m not gonna let ’em catch me, no
Not gonna let ’em catch the midnight rider

No, I’m not gonna let ’em catch me, no
Not gonna let ’em catch the midnight rider

Categories: general, varie Tags:


April 16th, 2011 Comments off

Tributo a Kool DJ Herc

March 20th, 2011 3 comments

sabato 16 aprile 2011

Move on Up team & Friends – per amore della cultura Hip Hop

Tributo a Kool DJ Herc

c/o Circolo ARCI L’Unità via Luigi Boccherini 14 Pisa

start ore 16 – ingresso 5 euro

L’intero incasso verrà devoluto per le spese mediche di Kool Herc, padre fondatore del movimento Hip Hop

moveonup_team [at]

3391559431 – 3403090408 – 3405109326 – 3478229573
