Beats for Miccia

April 4th, 2010 Comments off

Beats for Miccia

[SND] beat per Caterina 1.mp3 12-May-2010 13:52 9.6M
[SND] beat per Caterina 2.mp3 12-May-2010 13:55 4.5M
[SND] beats for Kate 1.mp3 15-Apr-2010 20:29 1.9M
[SND] beats for Kate 2.mp3 15-Apr-2010 20:28 3.9M
[SND] beats for Kate 3.mp3 15-Apr-2010 20:25 4.5M
[SND] beats for Kate 4.mp3 15-Apr-2010 20:22 3.2M
[SND] beats for Kate 6.mp3 15-Apr-2010 20:20 1.1M
[SND] cate beat.mp3 12-May-2010 13:56 1.7M
[SND] impro1 mag 2010 edited.mp3 12-May-2010 13:58 4.6M
Categories: beat making Tags: , , ,

Gum Studio jam

April 2nd, 2010 Comments off

THX, Dado e Millelemmi live jam in the hole photos. Gum Studio, Carrara

photos: R. Poiago —   (126 mega)  —  click here to download the photo archive

Many thanks to Robert Pettena for the hole and to Helena, Namsal and Matteo Chini for the invitation.

Gum Studio –

album covers slideshow

April 2nd, 2010 Comments off

Categories: arte Tags: , , ,

N.A.S.A. “Money” video

March 27th, 2010 Comments off

N.A.S.A. "Money" (feat. David Byrne, Chuck D, Ras Congo, Seu Jorge, & Z-Trip)

VIDEOMIND al Viper theatre stasera 26.3.2010

March 26th, 2010 Comments off




Per la prima volta a Firenze potremo assistere al progetto Videomind, nato dalle menti di Paura, Clementino e Tayone.

opening: Dj Craim (pluripremiato campione italiano ITF); Nanne (Tullo Soldja); Ninja (La
Primiera); Dj Shinjin; Mirko Miro

Ingresso:€ 8

apertura ore 22.00

Live Jam Session in the hole @ GUM – Carrara –

March 21st, 2010 Comments off

Millelemmi+daD0+Thx live jam session in the hole!!!! 2 sampler and vinyl scratch!!!!

Eek-A-Mouse & Band live @ F.L.O.G. (FI) 12 marzo 2010

March 12th, 2010 Comments off

Stasera 12 marzo 2010 presso l’Auditorium F.L.O.G. a Firenze in via Michele Mercati, sulla collina del Poggetto, si terrà il concerto di Eek-A-Mouse

« Io sono il topo, capite? E un topo può cambiare stile in qualsiasi momento. » Eek-A-Mouse

Eeck-a-Mouse in concerto


A saturday night in San Francisco

February 27th, 2010 Comments off

Stasera al Yoshi’s Jazz Club a San Francisco…


Dan The Automator presents: AUDIO ALCHEMY featuring DJ Qbert, DJ
Shortkut, The Jazz Mafia All-Stars and MARS-1

February 27, 2010

Audio Alchemy is a new bi-monthly series featuring vanguard DJs in
the mix and performing with live musicians. It will boldly explore the
role of the DJ in the creation of music today.

10:30pm $20

Yoshi’s San Francisco is pleased to announce a new late night series, Audio Alchemy with acclaimed producer Dan The Automator. The bi-monthly
series will take place in the Yoshi’s San Francisco restaurant, lounge
and jazz club.  Dan will be curating the series, showcasing some of the
world’s top DJs. Audio Alchemy will feature vanguard DJs not only
spinning but also in a live collaborative setting with local favorites,
the Jazz Mafia All-Stars.  As Dan states; Audio
Alchemy will boldly explore the role of the DJ in the creation of
modern music today.

Kicking off the series on Saturday, February 27 is DJ Qbert.
The San Francisco based Qbert is considered the “Hendrix” of scratch
DJs. His pioneering dj collective, the Invisibl Skratch Piklz, set the
turntablism bar to new heights.  This marks Qbert’s first San Francisco
gig since 2008. Joining DJ Qbert is Audio Alchemy’s resident dj (and
fellow Skratch Pikl), DJ Shortkut.  The house band for
this evening will be San Francisco’s genre-busting Jazz Mafia
All-Stars.  Additionally, the artist, MARS-1 will be
exhibiting his work through out the club.

About Dan The Automator
Producer Dan The Automator is known internationally as one of the most
groundbreaking and inventive creators of hip-hop music. He first
achieved critical and commercial success in 1996 with the esoteric Dr.
Octagon album, and followed suit with a slew of landmark recordings and
remixes that established him as not only a producer to be reckoned with,
but as a remixer and songwriter as well. His collaborations with
hip-hop legends Prince Paul (Handsome Boy Modeling School) and Del tha
Funkee Homosapien (Deltron 3030) resulted in success on a larger scale,
and he went platinum as the producer of the debut Gorillaz album in
2001. Another Handsome Boy Modeling School record followed in 2005. Dan
co-wrote and produced “Get Your Way”, a hit single for British singer
Jamie Cullum. His new project, NBA2k7, features Mos Def, E-40, Fabulous,
Ghost Face, A Tribe Called Quest, Rhymefest, Lupe Fiasco, and many
others. The soundtrack will be released on September 19th, 2006.

Dan “The Automator” Nakamura was born and raised in San Francisco. A
chance meeting with Kool Keith in San Francisco resulted in Keith hiring
Dan for some work on his own record. Keith then suggested Dan assume
production duties for his Dr. Octagon alter-ego, and Dan started to put
tracks together for the record that would ultimately aquaint him with a
much larger audience.

A fusion of hip-hop beats and bizarre atmospherics, Dr. Octagon was
released on the Bulk Recordings label in 1996. Propelled by Kool Keiths’
rhymes and mind-bending meter, the record owed its’ success in equal
measure to Dan’s inventive production. Dan’s studio, the Glue Factory,
also served as the workshop for recordings by Mo’Wax’s DJ Shadow and for
various artists on the latter’s Solesides label.

As Dr. Octagon spread through the underground scene, DTA found himself
collaborating with directly or remixing for a wide variety of artists:
Primal Scream, the Eels, DJ Krush, Cibo Matto, Dust Brothers, Mike
Simpson, Cornershop, the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Stereolab, and
more. Dan then teamed up with hip hop guru Prince Paul for a project
called Handsome Boy Modeling School. An album titled So, How’s Your
Girl? was released by Tommy Boy Records and was an instant underground
success. 2000’s Deltron 3030 project followed, a collaboration with
rapper Del tha Funkee Homosapien and DJ Kid Koala.

In 2001, DTA reached his widest audience yet with the Gorillaz, an
eclectic collaboration with Blur’s Damon Albarn and artist Jamie
Hewlett. The self-titled debut was a hit on both sides of the Atlantic,
going platinum in the U.S. and spawning Dan’s first major hit single,
“Clint Eastwood”, featuring Del tha Funkee Homosapian.

In 2002 Lovage, a collaboration with former Faith No More singer Mike
Patton and smoky vocalist Jennifer Charles was released. A mixtape of
many of his favorite remixes called Wanna Buy A Monkey? followed,
featuring remixes of Black Rob, Air, Zero 7, Tortoise, the Doves, De La
Soul, Dilated Peoples, and more.

After reaching worldwide success with Gorillaz, demand for Dan as a
remixer and producer grew exponentially. A known genre-bender, he worked
on singles from acts ranging from Blink 182 to Sarah McLachlan, and
co-wrote songs with artists such as Mos Def, Beanie Man, Beck, Busta
Rhymes, and more. Additional collaborations with Alex Kapranos (Franz
Ferdinand), Pharrell, RZA, Mars Volta, Casual, Cat Power, and Linkin
Park were the beginnings of what would be the second Handsome Boy
Modeling School album, which was released on Atlantic Records in 2005,
and followed by a sold-out U.S. tour.

Hip-hop is a genre that has proved itself far more flexible and
groundbreaking than anyone might have predicted at its genesis: from its
massive worldwide popularity to its seemingly endless “next levels”, as
it were, hip-hop music continues to be full of surprises, thanks
largely in part to record producers like Dan The Automator. While paying
homage to his heroes and influences, Dan has crafted a career as unique
as his records, always walking the line between music that makes a
serious statement and music that delivers undeniable hooks and knows
when not to take itself too seriously.

un ringraziamento particolare a Caterina per la segnalazione:

beata te che ti vedi ‘sto  show!



February 27th, 2010 1 comment

Akai MPC2000 midi production center (anno di uscita 1997)

caratteristiche tecniche:

risoluzione 16 bit 44100 hz; espansione di memoria 32 mb; L+R outputs (non ha la scheda con 8 canali di uscita) con uscita cuffie; floppy drive 3.5"; sistema operativo 1.72


La macchina presenta qualche graffio sullo chassis e ho dovuto pulire le pad da della schifezza che c’era attaccata sopra. Inoltre alcuni tasti non funzionavano ed altri avevano il supporto rotto ed erano stati incollati allo chassis con del silicone barbaramente. Ho mandato la macchina a riparare a Loreto da Master Service che ha fatto un buon lavoro, ma il tecnico deve essersi dimenticato di reinserire la linguetta con i contatti delle pad nel suo zoccoletto prima di rimantare il coperchio della macchina. quindi quando me l’hanno rispedita indietro l’ho dovuta aprire di nuovo e reinserire la linguetta al suo posto (per fortuna avevo visto in un video tutorial come fare a riconnettere le pad qualche giorno prima).

Costo della macchina (più spedizione da Armens Shop, NYC via ebay): 365 €

Costo della riparazione (più spedizione a/r): 80 €

Adesso la macchina funziona bene. Le pad sono ottime e il suono in uscita è bello potente: bassi profondi e suono molto pulito. Campionare nuovi suoni è molto semplice e immediato e il filtro passa bassi è ottimo. Sto già programmando dei beat che suonerò dal vivo nei prossimi giorni.

Spedizioni e attese mi hanno stressato parecchio però e ho anche dovuto comprare una nuova carta prepagata perchè quella che avevo non posso più ricaricarla (!!!). Questi acquisti via internet sono sempre una menata.

Voglio ringraziare Caterina (oltre che per tutto l’amore che mi dai) per avermi aiutato e sopportato nei momenti di crisi e per il manuale utente dell’MPC.

Grazie di cuore


info – Akai MPC Forums – Index page


February 9th, 2010 2 comments


Per tutti gli appassionati di scratch e tutti i fans di Dj Gruff! Sabato 13 febbraio dalle ore 16, potrete testare voi stessi le "barre" prodotte dal BARRIFICIO PIEMONTESE. Dj Gruff darà una dimostrazione del loro utilizzo e chi vorrà potrà poi provarle di persona. Durante la giornata verrano fatte le riprese per un nuovo video clip "L’attitudine" estratto dall’album di Dj Gruff "Sandro OB".
Venite numerosi!
Sabato 13 febbraio presso
via L. Porro Lambertenghi 20 – Milano – tel. 0269018180.

To all the turntublists and all the Dj Gruff fans! Saturday 13 February from 4 pm on you’ll can test the BARRIFICIO PIEMONTESE’s faders. Special guest Dj Gruff! During this event we’ll take some shots for the new Dj Gruff videoclip     

la "barra lignea" customizzata da Tomoz