stasera dancehall reggae-dub @ CSA next emerson (FI) con Jah Station e Joker Smoker

December 12th, 2009 Comments off

stasera 12/12/09 dancehall reggae-dub @ CSA next emerson (FI) con JS & JS soundsystem a.k.a. Jah Station e Joker Smoker

heavy bassline style 

a night of tuff dubwise and deep roots & culture 

CSA nEXt Emerson – via di Bellagio 15 Firenze, zona Castello —

Categories: deejaying, varie Tags:

domani THX at The Wheels Of Steel @ CPA FI-sud: apericena cinematografico + “Gigolò” di D. Hemmings

December 6th, 2009 Comments off

domani sera, lunedì 7 dicembre ’09, presso la sala cinema del CPA Firenze Sud in via Villamagna 27a:

ore 19,30: apericena cinematografico con THX alle ruote d’acciaio (SL-1210mk2 x 2) e ai campionatori (RC-20xl loopstation e Mini Kaoss Pad) — selezione di colonne sonore + contaminazioni varie

ore 22,30: proiezione del film "Gigolò" di David Hemmings, interpretato da David Bowie, Kim Novak e Marlene Dietrich (nella sua ultima interpretazione) — proiezione cinematografica in pellicola 35mm a cura dello Zio Jo La Face aka L’Uomo Con La Testa Piena Di Film — no video – no divx – no vhs – no dvd — CINEMA VERO!!!

ore 00,30: dopo il film prosegue il dj set di THX

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Technics 1200 fuori produzione?

December 5th, 2009 Comments off

sembra che sia una bufala questa cosa della data di fine produzione dei technics (forse per far fronte al calo di vendite)…


Analog in ‘decline’ but Technics not dead

By Ty Pendlebury on 30 November 2009

the recent explosion of interest in analog turntables, the ease of
producing and listening to digital music could very soon kill demand,
but industry experts say reports of high profile brand Technic’s demise
is "premature".

Technics not dead

The Technics SL-1200 will be with us for some time yet. (Credit: Panasonic)

A fake "press release"
made the rounds late last week saying production of Technics turntables
would end in February 2010, and the local head of Technics DJ for
Panasonic was "quoted" as saying Australian stock would end in March.

Long regarded as the epitome of DJ equipment, the Technics 1200 and
1210 series turntables have been rumoured to be going out of
production, but this has been denied by the local arm of head company

Panasonic’s Ian North has denied the reports, and says while he is
still waiting on clarification from Japan news that sales would end in
March was "premature".

"We are still supplying our dealers and we still have stock coming in," North said.

However, North said that there has been "a decline in the analog
market" due to the popularity of computer and CD mixing solutions.

"I wouldn’t say that analog is dead but there’s a lot of digital
products on the market that can do the same thing," North added.

Ryan Hochkins of DJ equipment retailer DJ Warehouse likened the
Technics turntables to a Ferrari because people bought them as a brand

But Hochkins said problems with local distribution meant that the turntable was never the company’s highest seller.

"There’s always people who come in and want to buy Technics whether
they’re at the price they are at now or the price they were at two
years ago, but it was never easy for us to get them," Hochkins said.

Hochkins said CD players now made up the majority of the company’s
sales, while software and hardware made up 20 per cent and turntables
only made up to 10 per cent.

Panasonic used the "Technics" brand name for all of its hi-fi
equipment until 2002, when it transitioned to Panasonic for most

Categories: deejaying, varie Tags:

Technics SL-1200 RIP

December 4th, 2009 Comments off

Panasonic-Technics, produttore dei celeberrimi giradischi Technics SL-1200 (e 1210) ha annunciato che dal febbraio 2010 cesserà la produzione dei suddetti giradischi (fra l’altro ho letto sulla 1200 FAQ di che tuttora vengono assemblati a mano). Dopo 35 anni di gloria il 1200 è arrivato al capolinea. Riposa In Pace 1200… lunga vita al 1200.


Technics To Cease Production Of Iconic 1200 / 1210 Turntable Series


No, say it ain’t so!! It’s been announced by Panasonic, manufacturer
of Technics 1200 / 1210 turntables, that it will cease production of
the iconic turntable series. As a staple in the development of club
music for 35 years the Technics turntable has been one of the most
important tools for DJs from house to hip-hop. A decline in sales has
been cited as the reason behind this momentousness decision, which goes
into effect as of February 2010. A sad day indeed. R.I.P Technics, long
live Technics…


Un ringraziamento particolare a DJ PowerD a.k.a. Kali del forum rapskratch per aver postato il link all’articolo originale

Categories: deejaying, hip hop kulture Tags:

“High Tech Soul” di Gary Bredow

December 2nd, 2009 Comments off


“High Tech Soul: Le origini della Techno Music” è un film-documentario che traccia la nascita della musica Techno. Il film scava nelle radici del fenomeno, ripercorrendo gli eventi socio-culturali della città natale, Detroit. Filo conduttore è la ricerca delle ragioni che hanno portato allo sviluppo di questa musica proprio nella città di Detroit. Compaiono personaggi come Juan Atkins, Derrick May, Kevin Saunderson, Eddie Fowlkes, Richie Hawtin, e molti altri djs che tutt’oggi portano la musica ad altissimi livelli. High Tech Soul scruta anche le relazioni interpersonali, le battaglie individuali, i conflitti sociali che hanno dato origine ad un fenomeno, diventato di impatto mondiale.
Dalle insurrezioni antirazziali del 1967 alla scena underground dei party di fine anni ’80, questo film guida lo spettatore in giro per il mondo per poi fare ritorno a una delle città più ricche e più innovative che esistano. Gli artisti presenti nel documentario spiegano perchè la Techno, con i suoi suoni graffianti e i bassi risonanti, non poteva che nascere a Detroit. La Techno, nella sua essenza, rappresenta la città, detta tendenza e influenze musicali in tutto il mondo, cambiando o ispirando la vita di moltissime persone.

Categories: beat making, deejaying, varie Tags:

Masters Of Ceremonies 36 workshop – SO36, Kreuzberg. Berlin

December 2nd, 2009 Comments off

Graffiti, dj e Rap Workshop all’SO36 di Kreuzberg a Berlino in Oranien str. Oggi dalle 14 alle 21. Per informazioni consultare il sito ufficiale

Mittwoch, 02.12.09 – 16:30h

Hip Hop Workshop

Für Jugendliche aus dem Quartier
von 14 – 21 Jahren

SO36 Kreuzberg, Berlin —

THX’s soundtracks mix #3: from 70s to 2000

November 29th, 2009 1 comment

THX’s soundtracks mix #3: from 70s to 2000 -mono-

[SND] thx soundtracks mix 3 26nov09.mp3 26-Nov-2009 18:06 101M


1)  Bernard Hermann “A Suite For Strings” dall’lp “The Beastie Collection” – “Psycho” di A. Hitchcock
2)  Carnevale a Rio: “Nega Sem Sandalia” (J. Castro) dall’lp “Orfeu Negro” – “Orfeu Negro” di M. Camus
3)  Johnny Pate “Bucktown Theme” dall’lp “Hip Hop Essentials: Movie FX -Baadasssss Breaks-” – “Bucktown” di A. Marks
4)  Screamin’ Jay Hawkins “I Put A Spell On You” dall’lp “The Kings Of Hip Hop. Part A” – “Stranger Than Paradise” di J. Jarmush
5)  The Meters “Cissy Strut” dall’lp “Let’s Party With The Meters” – “Jackie Brown” di Q. Tarantino
6)  Kool & The Gang “Open Sesame” dall’lp “Jazzy Jeff In The House” – “Saturday Night Fever” di J. Badham
7)  Rammellzee versus K-Rob “Beat Bop” dal 12″ “Beat Bop” – “Style Wars” di T. Silver e H. Chalfant
8)  Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five “The Message” dall’lp “The Message” – “Style Wars” di T. Silver e H. Chalfant
9)  Cold Crush Brothers “Cold Crush Bros. At The Dixie” dall’lp “Wild Style” – “Wild Style” di C. Ahearn
10) Ice-T “Colors” dall’lp “Colors” – “Colors” di D. Hopper
11) L.L. Cool J “Going Back To Cali”dall’lp “Less Than Zero” – “Less Than Zero” di M. Kanievska
12) Public Enemy “Cold Lampin With Flavor” dall’lp “It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back” – “Ghost Dog” di J. Jarmush
13) Public Enemy “Fight The Power” dall’lp “Fear Of A Black Planet” – “Do The Right Thing” di S. Lee
14) Ice-T “New Jack Hustler” dall’ lp “Original Gangster” – “New Jack City” di M. Van Peebles
15) Cypress Hill “Boom Biddy Bye Bye” dall’lp “Cypress Hill III (Temples Of Boom)” – “The Addiction” di A. Ferrara
16) Wu Tang Clan “Fast Shadow” dall’lp “Ghost Dog” – “Ghost Dog” di J. Jarmush
17) DJ Qbert “Inner Space Dental Commander” dall’lp “Wave Twisters” – “DJ Qbert’s Wave Twisters” di S. Garon e E. Henry
18) John Swihart “Here’s Rico” dall’lp “Napoleon Dynamite Liger Breaks” – “Napoleon Dynamite” di J. Hess
19) Boba Fettucini “Emperial Entanglements” dall’lp “Jawa Breaks” – “The Empire Strikes Back” di G. Lucas
20) Boba Fettucini “Why Am Listening To This?” dall’lp “Carlito’s Way Brigante Breaks” – “Carlito’s Way” di B. De Palma

#) autore “titolo brano” “lp” – “titolo film” regista

Buon ascolto!

particolare dell copertina dell’lp “Kingdom Blow” di Kurtis Blow

Categories: crate digging, deejaying, thx on the mix Tags:

THE ONE – Bootsy Collins talks about the James Brown’s teachings

November 29th, 2009 Comments off

Bootsy at Berklee 2.7.2008

Categories: hip hop kulture Tags:

new tracks from THX’s homestudio

November 26th, 2009 Comments off

made with the SP 1200 drumachine and some microKORG synth basslines + the miniKP FX processor


Categories: beat making Tags:

DJ SPINNA talks about his SP 1200, S950, 3000 and WAX!

November 23rd, 2009 Comments off
Categories: beat making, crate digging, deejaying Tags: