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Hip Hop Appreciation Week 2007 – http://templeofhiphop.org/

May 14th, 2007

Dal sito  http://templeofhiphop.org/ (il sito non è più online)


Written by KRS-ONE   
Hip Hop Appreciation Week begins on May 14th 2007 and concludes on May 21st 2007. Hip Hop Appreciation Week began in 1998 as a time set aside every third week in May to acknowledge and appreciate the existence of Hip Hop itself. During this time (May 14th-21st 2007) the Hip Hop community refocuses itself through a collective reviewand update of its own history and core principles and elements. Principles- peace,love, unity and having fun. Elements- Breakin, Emceein, Graffiti Art, Deejayin, Beat Boxin, Street Fashion, Street Language, Street Knowledge and Street Entrepreneurialism. The idea is to celebrate Hip Hop itself.
During Hip Hop Appreciation Week artists can be asked to give sound advice on what they’ve learned about life and living Hip Hop this year. Schools of all sorts are encouraged to discuss Hip Hop academically and critically amongst its students and teachers. Radio DJs can upgrade their play of “conscious” Rap music over the airwaves and parents can discuss the true meaning and history of Hip Hop with their children.

During Hip Hop Appreciation Week the Hip Hop community is encouraged to:
Give the next person the right of way. Allow people to pass you. Do not block a person’s forward movement.
Donate your skill or profession to someone who cannot afford it.
At the supermarket give your change to the person behind you in line.
Be quick to compliment and slow to criticize. Be ready to forgive and move on.
Tithe 10% of your salary this week to your child’s teacher.
Ease a neighbor’s pressure by donating your time toward the assistance of some duty they must undertake. Give of yourself this week.
Let us show our respect for Hip Hop with a sincere respect for one another. Men—support the women in your life. Women, comfort the men in your life. And let us all remain committed to the well-being of our children; they are the reason we do what we do. Love your children. Reserve a special love for them. Give them your time and your attention. Be patient with them. Touch them, hug them, play with them and be sure to teach them, advise them, protect them, discipline them, and most of all LISTEN to them. One of the best ways to teach our children that they are valuable is to value them. Often we must compliment them, point out their special qualities to them, fulfill their prayers, support their legitimate dreams and aspirations and let them know that we are interested in them. They are the future of Hip Hop! The preservation of our children IS the preservation of Hip Hop. HAPPY HIP HOP APPRECIATION WEEK! There it is.


Written by KRS-ONE   

Since 1998 the third week in May has become a time to reflect upon our roles as citizens of the International Hip Hop community and to recommit ourselves to Hip Hop’s core principles of peace, love, unity and safely having fun! Hip Hop Appreciation Week May 14th-21st 2007 is a time set aside to assess the progress of the ‘conscious’ Hip Hop movement as well as one’s own role within such a movement.

Hiphop Appreciation Week May 14th -21st advocates against corporate greed and the selfish exploitation of Hip Hop’s intellectual properties.  Such greed and exploitation is the root cause of why "rap music" looks and sounds the way it does right now. This year make a difference in your life and JOIN the conscious, responsible Hiphop community.  We must not allow those who think and see Hiphop as "rap music" to continue to demean and reduce our culture to products and the artistic equivalancy of poison, sex, violence and materialism.

The Temple Of Hiphop will be focusing its attention on the movement on the East Coast and announcing Hip Hop Appreciation Week from Carboro North Carolina, because of its central geographic location. 


Cats Cradle, Carboro NC 5/12
Otto Bar, Baltimore MD  5/15
Black Cat, Washington DC  5/18
*Irving Plaza, Manhattan NY 5/20
World Music Cafe, Phila  5/23




The HipHop Declaration Of Peace — http://www.wutang-corp.com/forum/blog.php?b=23
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