sp-303 beat tape
my new toy
A used Boss Dr Sample SP-202 (1997 phrase sampler/multieffect unit, fully functional and in nice near mint condition).
I’ll upload some beats made with this machine here in this blog ASAP.
infos here:
SP-202 original advertisements and catalog illustration created by Gogh Koizumi.
Caz Is Goin’ Off
Grandmaster Caz – Caz Is Goin’ Off
from the album “You Need Stitches: The Tuff City Sessions” (Ol’ skool Flava, OSF LP 4031)
cover art lettering by Phase 2
Robbie B and Jazzy Jay ‘Boogie Down’ (RBA 1986)
Philly rap
Gopher D featuring Dj Afghan – Mangia la mia polvere
JJ DOOM – Banished
JJ DOOM (Jneiro Jarel & DOOM) Album ‘KEY TO THE KUFFS’ Coming Soon
Metal-faced rapper DOOM has been working on a brand new album project with Jneiro Jarel as the combined force JJ DOOM. Click the YouTube link above to listen to ‘BANISHED‘ a taster from their forthcoming album ‘KEY TO THE KUFFS‘ coming soon. Artwork by Stephen Powers aka ESPO.
Grandmaster Disk
One of the foremost innovators of Skratching, (and the creator of the word “Turntablist”) DJ DISK not only remains one of the most technically impressive DJ’s in the world today, he has also single-handedly expanded the musical sensibility of Skratching, allowing for a instrument that was traditionally relegated to the background of Hip Hop, to be re-considered as a powerful and modern tool of musical expression. If Jazz has its Miles Davis, then Hip Hop has its DJ DISK.
Born in San Francisco in the 1970’s DJ DISK first discovered the idea of Turntableism by manipulating an old wooden turntable consul in his parents living room. DISK continued his exploration with his “instrument” and by the age of 11 was competing in SF DJ Battles and was considered a rising star throughout the then rapidly rising underground San Francisco Hip Hop scene.
But it was not until the early 90’s when DISK, pared with other embryonic turntable greats like DJ Qbert, Mix Master Mike and Flare, formed one of the most important and influential Turntable “Groups” in the history of the genre: THE INVISIBL SKRATCH PIKLZ. Lead by DISK (and colored by his insistence for musical innovation) the PIKLZ wild and frenetic exploration of hardcore Hip Hop would eventually set the bar for all other aspiring Turntable musicians. This “band” of Turntablist’s crafted their own unique D.I.Y sensibility and aesthetic (creating their own raw radio and TV show) and eventually became synonymous with all cutting edge Hip Hop performance and production. It’s widely known in Skratch circles that the Disco Mix Club (DMC), an international DJ association, asked the PIKLZ’s to stop entering in their DJ competitions, since they were discouraging other DJs from even bothering to enter. Disk would also create a master piece called ‘ DEMOLITION PUMKIN SQEEZE MUSIK for Qbert to make it one of the greatest mix tape of all time “
After leaving the PIKLZ in 98 Disk hungered for new associations that would further stretch his musical abilities. Disk first started his successful solo career by releasing two classic albums of “Turntablist” expression, releasing albums under the EL STEW (1999) and PHONOSYCOGRAPH (1998) monikers. Disk then extensively toured with famed Producer Bill Laswell, playing alongside some of the worlds most respected Indian musicians (Zakir Hussain, Ulstad Sultan Khan) in Laswell’s famed TABLA BEAT SCIENCE, exposing his Turntabist genere to cultures in India, Dubai, Lebannon, China Russia and many others. Disk also toured worldwide with famed Jazz great HERBIE HANCOCK, improvising wildly against the Jazz masters piano textures to create a new space yet unheard in contemporary Jazz.
DISK has been involved in over 100 released recorded works and has continued to tour extensively with a wide range of musicians, representing a myriad of genres (Primus, Serge – System Of A Down, Wayne Shorter, Nora Jones, Mike name just a few) and has released over 30 live DVD’s of his work, creating a fan base of devoted and dedicated followers. His rare Break Beat EP’s are still considered some of the great templates for young DJ’s to practice their craft on and are treasured by the underground Hip Hop community.
In 2006 ” long over due said GRANDMIXER DXT ” DISK was knighted as the 3rd GRANDMASTER in HIP HOP history next to QBERT and ROC RAIDER ” DISK has recently completed filming on “Sympathy For Delicious” a major motion picture with ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE MARK RUFFALO and is currently working on his latest recorded project (over 5 years in the making) entitled “PATU”.
“He’s the Jimmy Hendrix of the turntable” – Les Claypool – Primus
more infos here:
Drowning Dog e dj Malatesta (USA) in concerto
Drowning Dog & dj Malatesta live (rap from San Francisco, USA)
Acero Moretti live
a seguire:
THX in consolle (solo vinili funk, soul, rock e hardcore rap)
venerdì 3 febbraio alla festa in Facoltà di Agraria – piazzale delle Cascine 18, Firenze
info Drowning Dog e dj Malatesta:
Alimenta il flusso! Live combat rap show
Sabato 28 gennaio al CSA nEXt Emerson a Firenze in via di Bellagio 15
Alimenta il flusso!
Serata benefit per i compagni coinvolti nell’inchiesta del 4 maggio
Live Combat Rap Show
Gheddon + Infausto a.k.a. Guasto + Esercito Ribelle
Signor K + Ill Nano
a seguire D’n’B set con dj Morph
Il 4 maggio e il 13 giugno 2010 hanno visto andare in scena una maxi-inchiesta che ha coinvolto decine di compagni, protagonisti delle mobilitazioni dei due anni precedenti, distribuendo a pioggia ordinanze di custodia cautelare.
Adesso l’attesa sta crescendo in vista dell’udienza preliminare.
Le onde oceaniche attraversano il tempo e lo spazio aumentando la loro potenza attimo dopo attimo. Fare in modo che la solidarietà imiti il loro comportamento è dovere di tutt*!
Per prenotarsi alla cena, anch’essa benefit
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