The Art Of Rap – trailer
The Art Of Rap
a new documentary film directed by Ice-T
The Art Of Rap
a new documentary film directed by Ice-T
Ice-T “Lifestyles of the Rich and Infamous”
from the album “O.G. Original Gangster”
It’s eight a.m. I roll out my silk sheets
Get fly crash the limo back seats
Lookin’ in the faces
Of some ladies that I never met
On the interview tip, no sweat
They ask me questions
I throw the words back
They say they write facts
I know that’s bull crap
They’re kickin’ drama
But then drama’s my middle name
That’s the price ya pay for big fame
The cellular phone rings
Don’t wanna pick it up
But it’s my J.O.B. I gotta kick it up
Another damn reporter
On the line with a word quiz
I gotta show cause I’m livin’ with the showbiz.
Out the limo, to the plane
In the pourin’ rain
I hate flyin’
But there’s no time for slow trains
another show to do
I gotta catch my crew
They left last night
In the bus around two
The plane’s a small one
No fun at all
Bouncin’ round the air
Like a tennis ball
When it touches down
I wanna kiss the ground
But it’s time to wreck a new town
Get to the arena, meet up with the crew
They tell me all the speakers blew
The cordless don’t work
Sound man’s a jerk
Somebody’s gonna get hurt
I’m crazy mad
But my fans want autographs
I turn my angry frowns
Into fake laughs
I can’t be rude
Cause they wouldn’t understand
I ain’t human no more, I’m a supermanCHORUS
You can try
But you’ll never understand this
You can try
But you’ll never understand this
You can try
But you’ll never understand this
The lifestyles of the rich a and infamousFour hours till show time oh well
I might as well check in the hotel
Get a little rest
Before it’s time to play
Ten brothers standin’ in the hallway
All with demo tapes
They need the hook up
They heard that I was
The one to look up
I can’t ditch ’em
Cause they already saw me
I’ll put my head down
Maybe they’ll ignore me
No chance “Ice what’s goin’ on?”
I listened to twenty-five songs
And after that
The brothers still wouldn’t leave
They started lookin’ at my T.V.
I was gonna break down
If they didn’t jet soon
Snuck across the hall
And crashed in E’s room
But then this freak came in
Thought I was E
Straddled her legs across me
Ripped off her blouse
Pushed her breast against my face
Started girating her waist. Sounds fly,
Like a hype sex thriller?
But see she looked like Godzilla
Pushed her off me
Home girl hit the floor
This is what it’s like on tour
I hit the hallway it was crawlin’ thick
“Could we take this picture real quick?”
Jumped into a pose
That I used a million times before
Took pictures
With the whole damn floor
I couldn’t say no not to my fans
You see they wouldn’t understandCHORUS
Now it’s show time, time to flow time
Evil lost the records
But we still gotta go time
The house is packed
Everybody’s on their feet
So I say, “Throw on Rakim’s beat.”
E hits the fader and the crowd is lit
I start bustin’ off some new shit
The stage is so smokey
That I almost fall off, I start inhalin’ it
I’m tryin’ not to cough
I’m catchin’ problems from every angle
The mic cords are tangled
I try to flow smooth
But my words are mangled
Damn near slipped and broke my ankle
If that ain’t enough
The police are hawkin’
Listenin’ real close
To the words I’m talkin’
They wanna put a brother like me
In the back seat
Just because I curse the beat
They wanna tap my phone
Wanna keep my crib bugged
Call all my homies
Felonist street thugs
You might say
I think this lifestyle sucks?
I wouldn’t trade it for a million bucks
Although it’s all
Not glamour and gleam
It’s still my dreamCHORUS
1-01 Preface
1-02 The Jungle Creed
1-03 The Killing Fields
1-04 Crime & Punishment
2-01 Men, Women & Sex
2-02 Rap. The Art Of Shit Talkin’
2-03 Religion. One Percent Nation
3-01 Racism
3-02 Riots & Revolution
3-03 The Controversy
3-04 The Future. No Fear
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1-01 Preface.mp3 | 19-Apr-2010 21:24 | 2.8M |
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1-02 The Jungle Creed.mp3 | 19-Apr-2010 19:35 | 48M |
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1-03 The Killing Fields.mp3 | 19-Apr-2010 20:06 | 51M |
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1-04 Crime & Punishment.mp3 | 19-Apr-2010 18:44 | 58M |
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2-01 Men, Women & Sex.mp3 | 19-Apr-2010 21:05 | 56M |
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2-02 Rap_ The Art Of Shit Talkin’.mp3 | 19-Apr-2010 17:43 | 41M |
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2-03 Religion_ One Percent Nation.mp3 | 19-Apr-2010 19:06 | 36M |
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3-01 Racism.mp3 | 19-Apr-2010 20:30 | 39M |
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3-02 Riots & Revolution.mp3 | 19-Apr-2010 21:22 | 29M |
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3-03 The Controversy.mp3 | 19-Apr-2010 16:24 | 55M |
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3-04 The Future _ No Fear.mp3 | 19-Apr-2010 16:53 | 25M |
fonte: "L’opinione di Ice: who gives a fuck? (chi cazzo se ne frega; n.d.r.)" di Ice-T
"Un sacco di ragazzi bianchi mi dicono <<Hey Ice io vorrei essere come voi. Ma sai com’è i neri non sono ricettivi>>. E io cerco di spiegargli : <<Ascoltami amico, per quattrocento anni siamo stati fottuti, dico bene? E ci vorrà tempo, forse centocinquant’anni per cambiare>>"
"Fin dall’inizio della mia carriera mi hanno accusato di sessismo, perchè sono sincero e dico apertamente com’è che gli uomini vedono le donne. Un sessista vede le donne semplicemente come pezzi di carne. Il fatto è che gli uomini guardano le sporgenze delle donne e le donne guardano le sporgenze degli uomini. Questo è sessismo?"
"É assai facile rendersi conto della tentazione e del fascino del delitto. Il delitto è come qualsiasi altro lavoro. I delinquenti più furbi si dedicano a forme più intelligenti di crimine. E quelli meno svegli restano inchiodati ai livelli più bassi, come il gioco delle tre tavolette e la rapina. Man mano che sprofondi nel crimine e vedi il tuo gruzzolo aumentare, ti rendi conto di dover fare fuori qualcuno. E qui sta il pericolo"
"Se ciascuno scopasse con ciascun altro, il mondo cambierebbe. se avessimo una ragazza monotipo nessuno avrebbe problemi. La gente deve cominciare a spingere lo sguardo oltre il colore, le regioni, i quartieri, e rendersi conto che siamo tutti di questa terra."
"Il 29 aprile 1992 è stato il giorno più felice della mia vita. Sono fiero del fatto che la gente abbia piantato un casino della malora"
"Il rap è semplicemente qualcosa che assorbi crescendo nel ghetto. Sapevo come scrivere poesie, perché facevo rime per le bande…"
"Il razzismo viene programmato nella gente. Non credo che sia innato. Se prendete 3 bambini, uno nero, uno bianco ed uno asiatico, li mettete tutti e tre in un girello e li lasciate lì soli, cresceranno imparando ad amarsi a vicenda come se fossero una famiglia, finché un adulto spaccacazzi non verrà a dirgli <<Non possono piacervi, la loro pelle è più chiara o più scura>>"
"Io ho occhi solo per il futuro. E per la speranza. Sicché chiunque mi stia dietro deve raggiungermi perché io vado avanti. Così se la polizia ce l’ha con me, pazienza!"
"La gente mette troppa enfasi sulla vita e non abbastanza sulla sofferenza. Se vuoi preoccuparti di qualcosa, preoccupati di quelli che soffrono. Quando vedo persone vinte nell’animo o poveri diavoli che vivono sulla strada, oppure sono tormentati dalla malattia o dalla droga, questo per me è dolore, è sofferenza. È questo che dobbiamo eliminare: realtà miserabili."
"The ghetto is set up like a concentration camp. The government has broken the system down to a series of financially segregated villages. South Central is not a black community, it’s a poor community. You live there ’cause you’re broke, not because you’re black."
"I can’t speak for women, but I know what men are about. I know about muthafuckin’ men. They want to fuck. Men are dogs. They would like to sniff it and fuck it, now if not sooner."