Behind the Beat: Hip-Hop Home Studios book with J Dilla and Madlib

February 5th, 2011 Comments off


Behind the Beat: Hip-Hop Home Studios book with J Dilla and Madlib

  • November 07, 2005

by Rafael Rashid
Ginko Press
160 Pages, 320 Color photos.
Publication: December 1, 2005

Behind the Beat is a look into the creative spaces of producers and DJ’s from the US and UK. Featured are the studios and equipment of some of: Madlib, J Dilla, DJ Design, DJ Premier, DJ Spinna, Skitz, Nextmen, Taskforce, DJ Swamp, E- Swift, Beyond There, Kut Masta Kurt, Fat Jack, Jehst, Beatminerz, DJ Shadow, Dan the Automator, Chief Xcel, Young Einstein, The Grouch, Numark, Cut Chemist, Thes One, J Zone and Mario Caldato Jr.

From the press release: “These photographs are about more than just the equipment. Decades on from hip hop’s birth, producers have an enormous presence, commanding underground and even pop followings. But more often than not, producers are just a name on a record, always in the background. These pictures capture the visual side of the beats they make. They are the images behind the beat.”

The book includes a CD of several artists included in the book including tracks by Stones Throw’s Lootpack and MF DOOM.

Author Rafael (Raph) Rashid runs a recording label called Crookneck in Melbourne, Australian, and is co-owner of clothing labels ‘Blank’ and ‘Princess Tina’.

MadlibBehind the BeatBehind the Beat

J Dilla: Behind The Beat (Poster)

RAMM:ELL:ZEE documentary

January 31st, 2011 Comments off

Ramm:Ell:Zee (late 1960 – June 28, 2010)

info —

The Wire interviews

Rammellzee: The Remanipulator versus Syntactical Virus Issue #158 (Apr 97)

Rammellzee: The Ikonoklast Samurai Issue #242 (Apr 04)

Image: Rammellzee
Photograph by Kevin Knight

Landescape Looper

January 25th, 2011 Comments off

new looper By Madmeth (beats) and Biox (graphix + flash)

click ghere to download the zip archive with the Landescape Looper for mac and pc:

click here to play looper online (shockwave flash file – 8,6 mb):

pawns in the game

January 25th, 2011 Comments off

Professor Griff and The Last Asiatic Desciples

Hip Hop page at DMOZ Open Directory Project

January 25th, 2011 Comments off


See also:
  • A’s Down South Hip Hop World – Information about down south artists like Juvenile, Lil Wayne, Master P, Lil Troy, Mystikal. Also new audio, lyrics, release dates, freestyle competitions and unreleased albums.
  • AOL Music: Rap and Hip Hop – Online videos, streaming audio and artist information.
  • DaLinkz – Directory of over 400 rap and hiphop links, including bands and artists, record labels, stores, magazines, audio and video.
  • Davey D’s Hip-Hop Corner – News, reviews, interviews, articles, charts and message boards.
  • Dig Deep Online – Features artist pages, chat, message board, reviews, charts, photos, and underground store.
  • Dirty South Rap – Audio downloads, interviews, reviews, message board, merchandise, and links.
  • – Westcoast gangsta rap news and information. Features biographies, discographies, pictures, lyrics, wallpapers and audio.
  • – Features audio, lyrics, reviews, and pictures for artists from the South.
  • EURweb – Home of the Electronic Urban Report (EUR)
  • Flow Session – Message board and top 10 raps.
  • Hip Hop Battleground – Streaming audio, news, freestyle and chat room, artwork, backgrounds, wallpaper, and reviews.
  • Hip Hop Game – Offers news, audio, reviews, lyrics, videos and a fan forum.
  • Hip Hop Havoc – Features mixtapes and exclusives from top artists in streaming audio, including release dates and the latest news.
  • – Up to date news, reviews, and one of the biggest collection of hip hop Links.
  • HipHopHotSpot.Com – News, articles, album reviews, artist profiles and online store.
  • HipHopSite – Features exclusive and hard to find Real Audio clips, reviews and store.
  • – Watch hip hop artists compete for studio time. Also has poetry competitions and graffiti contests.
  • – News, audio, interviews, and a directory of hip hop sites.
  • Pinnacle Rhythms Productions – Original hip-hop instrumentals for emcees. [Requires Flash]
  • Project B.U. – Search engine dedicated to Hip-Hop culture. Includes artist news, forum, and a store.
  • Rap Industry – Industry news, interviews, videos and samples.
  • – News and information on the music and artists in hip-hop, rap and rhythm and blues.
  • RapSearch – Urban search engine providing information on Hip-Hop, Rhythm and Blues, Soul, Dance, artist information, and top sites programs.
  • – Get the latest news, pictures, gossip, concert information, reviews, multimedia, and links on your favorite rap music stars.
  • Real Rap – Album reviews, sound files, and forum.
  • – News, music, message board, games, and chat.
  • South-West Connection – News, links, message board, interviews and reviews from mainly Southern and West Coast artists.
  • The Box – Sound and video files, pictures and discography for old school artists, battles and the artists; EPMD, LL Cool J and The Fat Boys.
  • The Cipher – Pictures, multimedia, free e-mail and fan forum.
  • The Hiphop Archive at Harvard University – A virtual resource for Hiphop scholars, teachers, activists, and anyone else who wants to use Hiphop to empower individuals and communities.
  • The Rap Dictionary – Definitions of hip hop slang and expressions.
  • URBNET: The Urban Entertainment Network – Includes interviews, news, reviews, release dates, and charts.
  • West-Site – Information, music, pictures of 2pac, TQ, Daz Dillinger and others.
Categories: general, hip hop kulture, varie Tags:

Save the bees – petition

January 19th, 2011 Comments off


Sign the petition
To US and EU decision-makers:

We call on you to immediately ban the use of neonicotinoid pesticides until and unless new independent scientific studies prove they are safe. The catastrophic demise of bee colonies could put our whole food chain in danger. If you act urgently with precaution now, we could save bees from extinction.

more than 977,000 peoples have signed the petition. Help us get to 1,250,000

Quietly, globally, billions of bees are dying, threatening our crops and food. But a global ban of one group of pesticides could save bees from extinction.

Four European countries have begun banning these poisons, and some bee populations are recovering. But chemical companies are lobbying hard to keep all killer pesticides on the market. A global outcry now for a ban in the US and EU, where debate is raging, could provoke a total ban and a ripple effect around the world.

Let’s build a giant global buzz calling for these dangerous chemicals to be outlawed in the US and EU until and unless they are proved to be safe. Sign the petition to save bees and our crops and send this to everyone.

stasera a Firenze FOREIGN BEGGARS al Viper e JEFF MILLS al Tenax

January 15th, 2011 Comments off

stasera un bel po’ di cose in giro per i club a Firenze…

Foreign Beggars live @ Viper Theater —

Jeff Mills @ Tenax —


KING BLESO aka GOPHER D live @ Cargo (FI)

January 14th, 2011 Comments off

stasera, venerdí 14 gennaio 2011, al Cargo in via dell’Erta Canina (davanti al ristorante la Beppa)

King Bleso aka Gopher D + Overknights

Venerdì 14 Gennaio 2011

Cargo – Via dell’Erta Canina 12/r (Firenze) 
h 23.00

Torna a Firenze Funky Gopher… aka King Bleso…rigorosamente in formato 45 giri… in compagnia degli Overknights!!

Dietro King Bleso c’è Gopher Wastasi, ossia Dario Troso (1971). Conosciuto dai più semplicemente come Gopher, l’artista salentino ha mosso i suoi primi passi musicali sulla scena punk degli anni ’80. Negli anni ’90 è stato uno dei membri fondatori prima dell’Isola Posse All Stars, gruppo seminale del rap in italiano, poi dei Sangue Misto, il nome di culto per eccellenza dell’hip hop di queste parti. Di seguito, richiami di sangue (e dialetto) lo hanno condotto naturalmente nei Sud Sound System, di cui ha fatto parte tra il 1995 e il 1998. Negli ultimi anni inoltre ha collaborato a più riprese con la Fluid Video Crew tra l’altro firmando coi Brutopop la colonna sonora di Italian Sud-Est (2003), lungometraggio selezionato al 60° Festival di Arte Cinematografica di Venezia. Ma il nuovo capitolo di questo variegato iter artistico raccoglie l’eredità diretta del suo predecessore: King Bleso, dopo aver esordito nel 2008 con il dub-jazz di Echo Of Blue, si ripresenta infatti rilanciando appieno lo spirito funk di Unto Ke (altro alias di Gopher, usato dal 2004 al 2006) ma col valore aggiunto dei Voodoo Soul Unlimited, un combo di musicisti chiamati a raccolta per l’occasione.
Al Cargo King Bleso si presenta col suo set funk contaminato da interventi punk e surf rigorosamente vinilico a 45 giri!


Overknights é un contenitore di dj’s, produttori, scratchers, mc’s ed un disegnatore con base a Firenze.
La mescolanza di stili e le affinitá di gusto contraddistinguono questo gruppo costituito da ben dieci persone provenienti dagli ambiti e generi piú disparati di formazione musicale, come l’hip hop, il punk, il jazz, la techno e l’elettronica in molte delle sue forme.
Il sound é necessariamente e volutamente eterogeneo in una ricerca sonora che si esprime nella valorizzazione sia delle produzioni individuali che del frutto delle diverse collaborazioni interne.
Il risultato è un misto tra hip hop, funk, skwee.

Tutte le produzioni sono ascoltabili e/o direttamente scaricabili da:

Fly Girls’ Rap

January 11th, 2011 Comments off

Fly Girls’ Rap THX mix
female MCs joints

stereo mp3 192 kbps – 106 mb
total running time: 1 hr 16 min 52 sec

download link

Queen Latifah, Yo-Yo, Grip, Roxanne Shante, the Yeastie Girls, Paula Perry, Kelis, Georgia Anne Muldrow, Candice Anderson, Salt-N-Pepa, Universal 2, Alea, the Jamaica Girls, Andreya Triana, Princess Superstar, Angelika, Stacy Epps, Queen Tahera Earth, Christina Carter, Zap Mama

vinyl records only

dedicated to all the ladies with love


another service provided by Your Friendly Neighborhood THX 1138…

Queen Latifah

The Black’n’Decker podcast

January 10th, 2011 Comments off

The Black’n’Decker podcast

stereo mp3 192 kbps
total running time 1 hr 10 min 44 sec

compiled and mixed by THX using strictly original vintage rap vinyl records from The Golden Era Of Rap (no recent reissues)

download link

featuring many rap superstars from the 80s and 90s… guess who?!

a dedication 2: Kate, Wave, Weis, Edua, Ken, Orlando, Adam, Alain, Sandy, Marty, Sere, Maya, Davide, Vortex, Eleonora, WJM, Zazie, Mat, Jimmy, Checca and all the babies

One Love