
Archive for October, 2007

Goldie alla Fortezza Da Basso (Firenze)

October 26th, 2007 Comments off

Stasera Clifford Joseph Price conosciuto anche come Goldie terra’ un dj set alla Fortezza Da Basso a Firenze in occasione del Festival Della Creativita’ a mezzanotte e mezza, ingresso gratuito. Giamaicano e scozzese di origine, ha vissuto a Birmingham, Wolverhampton e negli USA a Miami e ha dipinto molti graffiti a New York con alcuni dei piu’ influenti writers fra cui Dez (vedi foto piu’ in basso). E’ un abile e molto apprezzato writer, produttore e business man. La sua etichetta indipendente Metalheadz Recordings e’ fra le piu’ rinomate della scena drum & bass. Le sue ultime produzioni risalgono a circa due, tre mesi fa: Goldie Presents… Rufige Kru – Malice in Wonderland – METH008LP (l’album triplo su Metalheadz, molto interessante anche per la grafica di copertina curata da Monsta), Rufige Kru – Malice in Wonderland – METH74 (il singolo 12″, che contiene due tracce non incluse nell’album, con grafica di Monsta), Drum & Bass Headhunterz – METH007LP (uscito nel luglio 2006 contiene tracce di Rufige Kru, Marcus Intalex, Commix, Spirit, Doc Scott, Blame e altri). Personalmente non amo gli eventi del tipo “Festival della creativita'” (concetto che a Firenze assume delle sfaccettature molto tetre se non addirittura occulte), ma sono curioso di vedere questo leggendario producer in azione alla console di missaggio.

Graffito di Goldie e Dez



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Goldie at a rave in Springfield, Massachusetts (taken in 2003)

Goldie at a rave in Springfield, Massachusetts (taken in 2003)
Background information
Birth name Clifford Joseph Price
Also known as Goldie, Metalheadz
Born December 28, 1965 (1965-12-28) (age 41)
Origin Walsall, England, UK
Genre(s) Electronic
Occupation(s) Disc Jockey
Years active 1992 to Present


Clifford Joseph Price, better known as Goldie (born December 28, 1965 in Walsall, England) is a British electronic music artist, disc jockey, and actor. As a musician he works mainly within the jungle and drum and bass genres, and has helped to promote these styles globally.



[edit] Early life, graffiti

He is of Jamaican and Scottish heritage. [1] He attended St. Francis of Assisi RC Secondary School in Aldridge. He was born to Margaret Kierney McVeigh and Clement Price, but was raised primarily by his mother.

Price was a member of a breakdance crew Westside, based in the Whitmore Reans and Heath Town areas of Wolverhampton, in the 1980s. His b-boy nickname was Goldilocks — he wore his light brown hair in dreadlocks at the time — which he later shortened to “Goldie”.[citation needed] He later joined a breakdance crew called the Bboys, and made his name as a graffiti artist in the West Midlands. His artwork around Birmingham and Wolverhampton was featured heavily in Afrikaa Bambaataa‘s documentary Bombing (which was broadcast on Channel 4 in the UK).

He took part in the largest ever British graffiti art battle alongside Bristol artist Robert “3D” Del Naja, who later formed Massive Attack. He is also mentioned for his graffiti in the book Spraycan Art by Henry Chalfant and James Prigoff, which contains several samples of his art.

In 1986, he moved to Miami, Florida and started a business selling grills, something he has turned into a trademark.

[edit] Music career

In 1992, Price collaborated with Icelanders Þórhallur Skúlason and Sigurbjörn Þorgrímsson on his first track as Ajax Project. At the same time, he did design and A&R work for 4 Hero‘s Reinforced label.

His releases “Killa Muffin” b/w “Krisp Biscuit” and the Dark Rider EP were put out under an alias Rufige Cru. More recently, he has used the alias Rufige Kru to release collaborations with other producers such as Heist.

His track “Terminator”, recorded under the name Metalheadz in 1992,
was a huge hit. In 1993 he released “Angel”, another 12″ on the
Synthetic Hardcore Phonography label. 1994 saw him setting up his own
record label, Metalheadz. The label was a huge success, releasing some of the most important 12″s of that era.

His first globally released album, Timeless, followed in 1995. Timeless shot straight into the charts at number seven, which was a first for a drum ‘n’ bass record. The album fused the breakbeats and basslines common in jungle with orchestral textures and soul vocals by Diane Charlemagne. The album’s title track was a 21-minute symphonic piece. Inner City Life, a track taken from the album, sold over 15,000 copies on vinyl.

With his reputation firmly established, Price released his second album in 1998, Saturnz Return. The album’s opening track, “Mother”, is an hour-long orchestral drum and bass piece. The remainder of the album features appearances by David Bowie, Noel Gallagher of Oasis, and KRS-One.

At present, Price’s new album, Sine Tempus, has not yet seen a major label release.

Price is also known for his work as the leader of the Rufige Kru. This group has no fixed members; it has included some of most well-known drum and bass producers such as Technical Itch, Heist, Teebee, Cujo, Agzilla Da Ice, Doc Scott and Rob Playford.

[edit] Selected album discography

[edit] Selected singles discography

[edit] Selected mix discography

  • INCredible Sound Of Drum’n’Bass – (1999)
  • – (2001)
  • MDZ.04 – (2004)
  • D&B Arena Classics – (2006)

[edit] Acting career

Price has appeared in several movies, most notably the James Bond film The World Is Not Enough and Guy Ritchie‘s Snatch. He also played gangster Angel Hudson, in the British soap opera EastEnders (2001 – 2002).

He hosted Crime Business on digital TV channels Bravo and ftn, as well as The World’s Deadliest Gangs on Bravo.

[edit] Other appearances

A young Price appeared on Central Weekend, a Friday evening topical debate show on Central TV,
promoting graffiti as an artform. He also appeared on various young
peoples TV shows as part of breakdance crew, the Bboys from
Wolverhampton. In 1995 he appeared on Passengers as well as a Channel Four documentary about himself in 1998. In 2001, he presented Bravos, The Worlds Deadliest Gangs.

Price also appeared on the second series of Celebrity Big Brother UK in 2002; he was the first celebrity to be “evicted”.

He was scheduled to appear in The Games, a UK reality TV show on Channel 4. During training for the water-ski jump event, he fractured his femur, and was unable to take part in the show. He was replaced with Adam Rickitt.

[edit] As an author

In 2002 Hodder & Stoughton published Price’s book Nine Lives, which he wrote with Paul Gorman.

[edit] Marriage and personal life

Price is recently divorced from model Sonjia Ashby. He was romantically involved with singer Björk for several years until their break up around September 19, 1996. Price generally keeps his private life out of the tabloids,
and spends great effort to avoid having his photo taken during his
downtime. He has lived in his country house near Hemel Hempstead,
Hertfordshire for several years.

He was also involved with drum and bass artist Kemistry prior to her death in a car accident in 1999.[citation needed]

[edit] References

  1. ^

[edit] External links

[edit] Interviews

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:

Purtroppo non esiste ancora una voce in italiano su wiki a proposito di Goldie.



Foto graffiti Ler London – LC7 crew

October 25th, 2007 Comments off

Altre belle foto da Ler – Lacoma7 crew

Ler's Graffiti in London 



Categories: graffiti writing Tags: , ,

Ler ( foto

October 22nd, 2007 Comments off

Collezione foto di Ler della LC7 crew di Madrid, Spagna, allegate a varie mail, clicca sulle immagini per vederle nelle dimensioni reali.

LC7 crew website: 

Ciao Ler!


Categories: graffiti writing Tags: , ,

Stop ai blog: governo pentito

October 22nd, 2007 6 comments


Dopo la miriade di email inviate ai ladri del governo, nonchè nostri dipendenti, qualcuno si è pentito e forse la situazione si potrebbe aggiustare.

Questa  è la risposta che ha dato Di Pietro:

"Sto ricevendo moltissime email e commenti di critica sul disegno di legge
“Nuova disciplina dell’editoria e delega al Governo per l’emanazione di un testo unico sul riordino della legislazione nel settore editoriale”.
Una precisazione: il disegno di legge non è stato discusso nel Consiglio dei Ministri del 12 ottobre perchè presentato come provvedimento di normale routine.
Ho letto il testo oggi per la prima volta e la mia opinione è che vada immediatamente bloccato il disegno di legge che, nei fatti, metterebbe sotto tutela Internet in Italia e ne provocherebbe probabilmente la fine.

E’ una legge liberticida, contro l’informazione libera e contro i blogger che ogni giorno pubblicano articoli mai riportati da giornali e televisioni.
Io faccio parte del Governo e mi prendo le mie responsabilità per non aver intercettato il disegno di legge, ma per quanto mi riguarda questa legge non passerà mai, anche a costo di mettere in discussione l’appoggio dell’Italia dei Valori al Governo."

Questa è la risposta che ha dato paolo Gentiloni:

"L'allarme lanciato da Beppe Grillo e ripreso da molti commenti al mio blog è giustificato: il disegno di legge sull'editoria, proposto dalla Presidenza del Consiglio e approvato una settimana fa in Consiglio dei Ministri, va corretto perchè la norma sulla registrazione dei siti internet non è chiara e lascia spazio a interpretazioni assurde e restrittive.
Naturalmente, mi prendo la mia parte di responsabilità -come ha fatto anche il collega Di Pietro nel suo blog- per non aver controllato personalmente e parola per parola il testo che alla fine è stato sottoposto al Consiglio dei Ministri.
Pensavo che la nuova legge sull'editoria confermasse semplicemente le norme esistenti, che da sei anni prevedono sì una registrazione ma soltanto per un ristretto numero di testate giornalistiche on line, caratterizzate da periodicità, per avere accesso ai contributi della legge sull'editoria. Va bene applicare anche ai giornali on line le norme in vigore per i giornali, ma sarebbe un grave errore estenderle a siti e blog
Ho sempre sostenuto questa tesi, sia in parlamento che nei dibattiti pubblici (anche martedi scorso, rispondendo a una domanda di Fiorello Cortiana).
Il testo, invece, è troppo vago sul punto e autorizza interpretazioni estensive che alla fine potrebbero limitare l'attività di molti siti e blog. Meglio, molto meglio lasciare le regole attuali che in fondo su questo punto hanno funzionato.
Riconosciuto l'errore, si tratta ora di correggerlo. E sono convinto che sarà lo stesso sottosegretario alla Presidenza Levi a volerlo fare."

 Questa è di franco Levi indirizzata a Beppe Grillo:

"Niente, dunque, è stato ed è più lontano dalle nostre intenzione della volontà di censurare il libero dibattito dei e tra i cittadini.

Ci occupiamo di editoria persuasi che, nel tempo in cui viviamo, un prodotto editoriale si definisca a partire dal suo contenuto (l’informazione), e non più dal mezzo (la carta) attraverso il quale esso viene diffuso.

Vogliamo creare le condizioni di un mercato libero, aperto ed organizzato in modo efficiente. Per questo, intendiamo, tra le altre cose, abolire la registrazione presso i Tribunali sino ad oggi obbligatoria per qualsiasi pubblicazione e sostituirla con l’unica e più semplice registrazione preso il Registro degli Operatori della Comunicazione (Roc) tenuto dall’Autorità Garante per le Comunicazioni (AgCom).

Anche su questo punto, da lei particolarmente criticato e temuto, lo spirito della nostra legge è chiaro. Quando prevediamo l’obbligo della registrazione non pensiamo alla ragazzo o al ragazzo che realizzano un proprio sito o un proprio blog. Pensiamo, invece, a chi, con la carta stampata ma, certo, anche con internet, pubblica un vero e proprio prodotto editoriale e diventa, così un autentico operatore del mercato dell’editoria.

Siamo consapevoli che, soprattutto quando si tratta di internet, di siti, di blog, la distinzione tra l’operatore professionale e il privato può essere sottile e non facile da definire. Ed è proprio per questo che nella legge affidiamo all’Autorità Garante per le Comunicazioni il compito di vigilare sul mercato e di stabilire i criteri per individuare i soggetti e le imprese tenuti ad iscriversi al Registro degli Operatori.

L’informazione è un elemento prezioso e decisivo per la democrazia e deve essere trattata con estrema attenzione e rispetto. Per questo, ripeto – e non per sfuggire alle nostre responsabilità –, pensiamo che sia bene, affidarsi ad autorità che abbiano la competenza per regolare una materia così specifica e che siano indipendenti rispetto ai governi e al potere politico."

L'unione fa la forza,e l'idea più insensata può essere l'arma migliore… Noi comunque teniamo le orecchie aperte.

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Dj Spooky’s contribution for the ‘One Laptop Per Child Project’

October 20th, 2007 Comments off

L'immagine “” non può essere visualizzata poiché contiene degli errori.

Dj Spooky's contribution for the 'One Laptop Per Child Project' 

Dj Spooky new album on Jamendo (clickka sul link per ascoltare l'album): 

Da poco ho scoperto le potenzialita' di jamendo, un archivio di musica distribuita con licenze Creative Commons che contiene anche tracce di artisti di punta come il suddetto Paul D. Miller aka Dj Spooky. Non ho ancora capito come incorporare il lettore dentro il blog… Studiare!


Categories: beat making, deejaying Tags:

Petizione contro la tassa sulla pubblicazione in internet

October 20th, 2007 Comments off

Statuto della petizione

A: Consiglio dei Ministri

Punto Informatico segnala oggi una notizia che potrebbe cambiare completamente la realtà della pubblicazione online.

La nuova legge per la regolamentazione delle pubblicazioni editoriali
classifica come tale “qualsiasi prodotto contraddistinto da finalità di
informazione, di formazione, di divulgazione, di intrattenimento, che
sia destinato alla pubblicazione, quali che siano la forma nella quale
esso è realizzato e il mezzo con il quale esso viene diffuso.”

L’articolo 5 della proposta di legge sottolinea poi come “per attività
editoriale si intende ogni attività diretta alla realizzazione e
distribuzione di prodotti editoriali, nonché alla relativa raccolta
pubblicitaria. L’esercizio dell’attività editoriale può essere svolto
anche in forma non imprenditoriale per finalità non lucrative”.

Il provvedimento del Consiglio dei Ministri indica quindi l’obbligo di
iscrizione al ROC, il Registro degli Operatori di Comunicazione, per
tutti coloro che realizzino prodotti editoriali diffusi attraverso
qualsiasi mezzo, con i conseguenti costi burocratici e pecuniari che ne

Come evidenzia Valentino Spataro sul sito, “la proposta
e' semplice: diventa prodotto editoriale anche "la cosa" fatta senza
scopo di lucro. Pensiamo al blog di Grillo: e' tutto gratuito, vende i
propri cd, ma il sito e' tutto gratuito, e lui non e' impresa.

Con la nuova dizione il sito, anche gratuito, anche gestito da un
privato, diventa prodotto editoriale. Ogni blog personale diventa
prodotto editoriale, soggetto alla normativa sulla stampa, con
limitazioni in caso di sequestro, ma responsabilità penali aggravate in
caso di denuncia penale.”

I blogger dovrebbero quindi considerarsi produttori di prodotti
editoriali e dovrebbero sostenere dei costi per poter continuare a
scrivere sul proprio blog o sul proprio sito.

Se il provvedimento venisse varato e diventasse effettivo
l’indipendenza della rete verrebbe minata e, soprattutto anche un
adolescente con un piccolo blog dovrebbe pagare l’iscrizione al ROC per
poter continuare ad esercitare la propria libertà di pensiero e di
Il Web è indipendente e libero, ma sono sempre più numerose le proposte
tese a limitare questa libertà ed a controllare Internet.

Se vogliamo continuare a scrivere sui nostri blog ed a esprimerci
liberamente non possiamo permetterci di lasciar passare inosservato
questo provvedimento.


clicca sul link per firmare la petizione online

dal sito di alternative tentacles :


Jello Biafra & Alternative Tentacles Records' Legal Defense Fund

Dear Friends,

As many of you know, Alternative Tentacles and myself are now caught
up in our worst legal harassment ever. Main details have been widely
circulated in the press, and are on my new album "Become The Media".
The trial verdict has awarded the other ex-Dead Kennedys full
control over much the DK catalog, plus enormous damages against
Alternative Tentacles, and me personally, for failure to promote
Dead Kennedys, among other things, if you can believe that.

In a sense, I am being punished for sticking to the vision and
principles of the band and saying no to corporate branding and
co-opting of our culture. We are at risk of being wiped out if the
verdict stands. If so they can and most likely will pimp our music
to corporate labels, TV commercials, etc.; regardless of how people
who believe in Dead Kennedys' message feel about it.

Their intention is that I have no say in how Dead Kennedys is
handled. Yet because I am the most visible and active ex-member, I
will be hit with most of the blame. Obviously this verdict must be
appealed. Appeals are very expensive and our legal fees have already
gone through the roof. So far I have been paying out of my own
pocket through live gigs, selling personal belongings, etc. I have
been reluctant to set up a No More Censorship-type defense fund, a
la the "Frankenchrist" trial, since this could be construed as a
personal or business dispute, although I see it as political. I
also thought my ex-bandmates would not be so hellbent against
compromising and settling the case in a reasonable manner. Meanwhile
more and more people outraged by corporate branding and this whole
sad affair have been coming up to me asking to help. Frankly, we
need it. I do not want to see over 20 years of hard work ruined, and
my old band's legacy dumbed down into a cash-in retro cartoon. If
you feel like helping us out even a little bit, please send
contributions to:

Alternative Tentacles Legal Defense Fund
P.O. Box 419092
San Francisco, CA

None of this money will be used to run Alternative Tentacles or pay
my personal bills, only to help cover spiraling legal expenses. If you
have further questions please email or
fax (415) 282 9786.

If you feel this request isn't cool, feel free to tell us.

Happy Holidaze,

Jello Biafra and Alternative Tentacles Records

P.S.- Contributions are not tax-deductible.


Categories: varie Tags:

Verita’, fatti, credenze. Qual’e’ la differenza?

October 19th, 2007 Comments off

Il dio solare Ra con un ankh 

Immagine del dio solare Ra con un Ankh

Ho deciso di postare il testo estratto da "Verita’, fatti, credenze. Qual’e’ la differenza?"  di Nanya Kudur-El (dal sito ufficiale della Universal Zulu Nation fondata da Afrika Bambaataa, vedi
anche se il testo e’ in lingua originale e’ a mio parere molto interessante e merita un piccolo sforzo per essere letto nella sua interezza alla pagina di cui sopra) in seguito a una discussione filosofica da bar che ho tenuto con un’amico qualche giorno fa’. In Italia, il paese della chiesa cattolica romana e del pontefice sembra che ben pochi si rendano conto delle manipolazioni culturali e del lavaggio del cervello a livello profondo a cui veniamo sottoposti fin da bambini. Sono stato costretto a contraddire l’amico di cui parlavo che sosteneva, senza alcuna ragione logica e senza citarmi testo alcuno, che le civilta’ primitive e tutte le altre civilta’ e culture di questo mondo credono in un dio unico e onnipotente come quello in cui credono i cristiani. Premesso che non ho niente contro chi ha fede in un dio o divinita’ di qualsiasi tipo affermo che questa conclusione e’ completamente errata e priva di alcun fondamento. La discussione e’ inziata in seguito alla mia affermazione (peraltro scientificamente provata e condivisa dalla maggior parte degli antropologi) che l’essere umano e’ nato in Africa, che in origine era nero e che le altre razze sono delle mutazioni genetiche dovute a condizioni climatiche diverse da quelle del luogo di origine e dalla percentuale di melanina contenuta nell’epidermide. Tutto cio’ perche’ il mio amico, contro il quale non ho niente di personale, per fare il guappo al bar con le ragazze affermava (essendo toscano e quindi di parte) che gli etruschi erano una delle civilta’ piu’ antiche.
Circa un mese fa ho dovuto spiegare, ad una coppia di amici appena tornati dalle vacanze che hanno passato con due ragazze marxiste convinte, che un marxista non puo’ credere in un dio onnipotente. Cito da Karl Marx: "La religione è l’oppio dei popoli". E pensare che queste persone appartengono all’area della sinistra cosiddetta "estrema" (vedi Bertinotti etc… che di estremo ha ben poco!). Queste persone sono convinte dell’esistenza di un dio ma non portano nessuna prova o argomentazione se non l’affermare che "per non accorgersene bisogna essere scemi!". Troppo facile e riduttivo per i miei gusti e la mia logica cyber.

Credo che in Italia le persone soffrano di un’amnesia dovuta proprio al cristianesimo e ai concetti inculcatici da questa forza che ci controlla in ogni fase e momento della nostra vita. 
Credo che ci sia bisogno di piu’ rispetto per le altre culture e per la laicita’ e l’ateismo, che sono delle realta’ e non dei fenomeni limitati a degli stupidi che non hanno capito il "vero" senso della vita. 
Credo che le cazzate da fricchettoni incalliti debbano lasciare il posto ad una "Knowledge Science" cioe’ una "scienza del sapere" fondata su una vera conoscenza delle tradizioni (antiche, moderne e contemporanee) e che non siamo piu’ nel medioevo ne tanto meno al tempo dell’impero romano (anche se, come sosteneva Philip K. Dick, non c’e’ mai stata una caduta dell’impero). 
Credo che ci sia il bisogno di cominciare a pensare di piu’ con la
propria testa e di informarsi meglio su quelle che sono le tradizioni
degli altri paesi del mondo per evitare di sprofondare nell’ignoranza e
nella superstizione indotte dalla societa occidentale e dai suoi
meccanismi di controllo.

Percio’ a quelli che mi hanno additato come l’indeciso, lo scettico incallito, il bastian contrario, dico che sarebbe molto meglio se si mettessero a studiare almeno un po’ la tradizione antica e le civilta’ primitive. Avendo studiato le relazioni fra simboli della tradizione antica e i sistemi tonali delle culture primitive, del medio evo, dell’Islam, dell’India, delle civilta’ precolombiane, della Cina, del Giappone, del Tibet, forse ho qualcosa da insegnare e da dire agli altri senza il bisogno di essere trattato come un povero coglione. Con questo non voglio dire che non rispetto le convinzioni e i credo religiosi delle persone che mi stanno intorno, ma non accetto di essere indottrinato senza discutere, ne’ da un cristiano, ne’ da un islamico, ne da un buddista ne’ da qualsiasi altro religioso, credente o praticante di qualsivoglia religione.

La pace si fonda sul rispetto degli altri punti di vista e non sul cercare di inculcare una propria idea a tutti i costi senza neppure stare a sentire le ragioni del proprio interlocutore.
Auguro a tutti una felice e repentina anamnesis, citando Philip K. Dick:

<< […] una parola greca che significa, letteralmente, "perdita della dimenticanza". Ricordai chi ero e dove ero. In un attimo, in un battito di ciglia, mi torno’ tutto in mente. E non solo lo ricordavo, lo vedevo anche. La ragazza era in segreto una cristiana, come me. Vivevamo nella paura di essere scoperrti dai romani. Dovevamo comunicare attraverso segnali criptici. Lei me lo aveva appena detto ed era tutto vero. Per qualche secondo, per quanto sia difficile crederlo o spiegarlo vidi apparire incerti i contorni dell’odiosa Roma, simile ad una prigione. Ma, cosa molto piu’ importante, ricordai Gesu’ che era stato da poco con noi e se n’era andato, e presto sarebbe tornato. L’emozione che provai fu gioia. In segreto ci  preparavamo a darGli il  benvenuto. Non mancava molto e i romani non lo sapevano. […] 
Non e’ strano che questo evento singolare, questo rammentarmi di ricordi perduti, si sia verificato solo dopo una settimana dopo Flow my tears the policeman said? Ed e’ Flow my tears che contiene la replica di persone ed eventi degli Atti, un libro situato nell’esatto momento temporale (subito dopo la morte e la resurrezione di Gesu’) che io ricordai come un fatto recente vedendo il piccolo pesce d’oro.>> (Come costruire un universo che non cada a pezzi in due giorni. Titolo  originale: How to Build a Universe That Doesn’t Fall Apart Two Days Later – 1985)

Letture consigliate:

Marius Schneider – Gli animali simbolici
                        – Le pietre che cantano
                        – La musica primitiva
                        – Il significato della musica
Rene’ Guenon – Il Re del Mondo
                   – La Grande Triade
                   – Simboli della Scienza sacra
Eliphas Levi – I misteri della Cabala’
Aleister Crowley – Magick (Magick in theory and practice)
                       – Liber Aleph vel CXI
                       – The Book of Thot (Egyptian Tarot)
                       – 777 and other Qabalistic writings
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky – Iside svelata
Colin Wilson – L’occulto
Carlos Castaneda – A scuola dallo stregone
William Seward Burroughs – My Education: A Book of Dreams
                                   – The Burroughs file
                                   – Il gatto in noi (The cat inside)
Terry Wilson / Brion Gysin / William Seward Burroughs – Here to go Brion Gysin
Rudy Rucker – La quarta dimensione
Erich Fromm – Il linguaggio dimenticato. La natura dei miti e dei sogni
James Hillman – Animali del sogno
I Ching. Il Libro dei Mutamenti. A cura di Richard Wilhelm, prefazione di C.G. Jung 
Hermann Hesse – Dall’India
Genesis P-Orridge – Psychic TV. A Coumprehensive Collection Ov Lyrics 1981-90
Societa’ Italiana per lo Studio degli Stati Alterati di Coscienza – Altrove
Zhuang-zi [Chuang-tzu] – a cura di Liou Kia-hway
Benoit B. Mandelbrot – Gli oggetti frattali. Forma, caso e dimensione.
Internazionale Situazionista – raccolta numeri 1958-69
James Graham Ballard – Fine Millennio: istruzioni per l’uso
Re/search – Tatuaggi corpo e spirito (#12 Modern Primitives)
              – J.G. Ballard (#8/9)
              – Industrial culture handbook (#6/7)
              – W.S. Burroughs, B. Gysin, Throbbing Gristle (#4/5)
Timothy Leary – Caos e cybercultura
Philip K. Dick – Se vi pare che questo mondo sia brutto
                  – Joe Protagoras e’ vivo
                  – Vita breve e felice di uno scrittore di fantascienza
                  – Ricordi di domani (Urania #1068)
David Toop – Rap. Storia di una musica nera (The rap attack)
S.H. Fernando Jr. – The new beats. Exploring the Music, Culture,and Attitudes of Hip-Hop
Genevieve Calame-Griaule – Il mondo della parola. Etnologia e linguaggio dei Dogon
Ma Gcig – Canti spirituali
Elemire Zolla – I letterati e lo sciamano
Tao Te Ching. Il Libro della Via e della Virtu’ – edizione con il testo cinese a cura di J.J.L. Duyvendak
AA VV – Conferenze telematiche interattive. Raccolta di testi inseriti da Tommaso Tozzi all’interno di tre aree messaggi del network telematico Fidonet e delle relative risposte

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Afrika Bambaataa Godfather of Hip HOP & Father of The Electro Funk Sound

October 19th, 2007 Comments off

poster per la tournee di Afrika Bambaata Godfather of Hip HOP & Father of The Electro Funk Sound (2000) foto: THX (2007)

Nell’agosto il 10 agosto 2000 ho avuto la fortuna di assistere al dj set di Afrika Bambaataa nella Fortezza Vecchia a Livorno. The Godfather of Hip Hop ha mixato dischi per piu’ di due ore accompagnato da un MC molto giovane di cui non ricordo il nome purtroppo. il suddetto poster mi e’ stato dato da Bambaataa in persona che e’ stato molto gentile e paziente e dopo lo show si e’ fermato a parlare con i numerosi fan che da tutta italia si sono ritrovati a Livorno per assistere alla cerimonia del fondatore della Universal Zulu Nation, una organizzazione per la diffusione della cultura Hip Hop nata nel Bronx (New York) negli anni settanta il cui motto e’ "Peace Love Unity and fun" ovvero: pace, amore, unita’ e divertimento ( Bam ha mixato un a varieta’ di generi diversi: dal funk all’electro funk al drum & bass, con molti b-boys che ballavano come invasati. E’ stata u’esperienza molto potente di cui portero’ il ricordo per sempre, vedere una leggenda vivente del mondo dell’Hip Hop che si esibisce e’ cosa non molto comune dalle nostre parti. Purtroppo non ho saputo che Bam era a Roma il 6 luglio del 2006 per un’unica data italiana, sarei sicuramente andato a vederlo di nuovo. Spero che torni presto a celebrare anche qui da noi.


dall’articolo "Verita’, fatti, credenze. Qual’e’ la differenza?" nella sezione Knowledge Science del sito ufficiale della Universal Zulu Nation  

What’s The Difference?

By Nanya Kudur-El

Most people don’t realize that a belief in a thing and ignorance is one in the same!  To believe in something simply means that you aren’t sure, but you place your faith in that thing anyway.  Take this scenario for example: Some one asks you, "Have you seen Bobby?", and you say, "I BELIEVE  I  saw him in the store!"  You "believe", but you don’t "know".  And that goes for a belief in GOD, the DEVIL, Angels, Jesus, and the likes.  In most cases we place our beliefs in religion because that’s what we’ve been taught all our lives, or when we were younger we were scared into believing these things.  Now we have carried these belief’s with us into adulthood, and then scare and/or teach our children these same convictions.  Nevertheless, we carry these beliefs as luggage for the rest of our lives, and we don’t dare question them!  We don’t question these beliefs because we were equally scare into believing that questioning belief’s means questioning GOD, and questioning GOD meant being placed in a fiery pit "forever and ever Amen".  This is what most of us have been taught, and if not this it was something similar in theory.

The legal definition for Belief isn’t far from the above, but the only definition that I could find that was unbias (meaning non religious) was in Blacks Law Dictionary.  This is because most dictionaries are usually made by some one with a religious background, while Black’s Law Dictionary is a dictionary bounded by law.  According to this dictionary, belief means..

1.  A conviction of the truth of a proposition, existing subjectively in the mind, and induced by argument, persuasion, or proof addressed to the judgment.
2.  A conclusion arrived at from external sources after weighing probability.
3.  A conviction of the mind, arising not from actual perception or knowledge, but by way of inference, or from evidence received or information devired from others.
4. assurance gained by evidence from other persons.
5.  ..necessarily based on at least assumed facts.

According to definition number one, belief is something of the mind (or imagination), meaning a propossion, that is normally placed there by an argument or persuasion that is addressed as proof.  But this argument is not an actual fact!  By way of definition number two you can see that belief is also a conclusion that you come to by weighing probability, but probability still isn’t fact.  Saying that something "probably will be" isn’t to say that it "will be", because the word "probably and probability" shows that you aren’t sure!  Definitions three and four are on in the same in that they show you belief also comes from heresy or word of mouth, and not from actual evidence of a things and situations actually existing.  And finally , definition number four shows you that belief is basically an assumption, and from the definitions above you can see why.  Now all of this brings to mind that saying.. "When you assume (ass-u-me) you make an ass out of you and not me!"

Now because belief is not based on fact, but persuasion of heresy (words) and arguments, it is safe to say that BELIEF IS IGNORANCE.  While the basis of ignorance is to ignore [the facts], the basis of belief is sometimes equally so.  I say this because most people who live by the school of belief tend to not care about any evidence you bring them, if it isn’t found in their Bible, Qur’an, Torah and so on they will just ignore actual proof.
The word "truth" does not always mean reality, and can sometimes be mixed up with the word "fact".  For example, the world being flat was once thought to be true, but it is now a fact that the world is an "imperfect sphere".  Black’s Law Dictionary has this to say about "truth"..

1. An agreement of thought and reality
2. an eventual verification
3. a consistency of thought with itself

Definition number one tell you that truth can be something that is unanimously agreed upon, even it that thing isn’t a fact it can be a agreed to be true.  The second definition shows that truth can be based on hopes, dreams, or eventual verification, and this sounds a lot like belief to me!  Now definition number three seem s to be the one that most us humans fall victim to, because it deals with us keeping ignorance alive by teaching it over and over again.  Thus keeping ignorant thoughts alive by repeating them, but never looking to do research and prove them.
Facts, on the other hand, must be proven with evidence to substantiate a things existence, and this is the opposite of belief and religious convictions.  Black’s Law Dictionary say..


1. A thing done; an action performed or an incident transpiring; an event or circumstance; an actual occurrence; and actual happening in time or space or an event mental or physical; that which has been taken place.

2. A fact is either a state of things, that is, an existence, or a motion, that is, and event.

3. The quality of being actual; actual existence or occurrence.

Here, by all three definitions, you can see that before a thing or situation can be said factual there must be some evidence that this thing or happening ever existed, and hearsay or one sided references don’t count in this case. So stories that can only be found in one cultures book don’t count as evidence, and that is the case of the Torah-Bible and in-part the Koranic Stories.  What is meant by this is the stories of Moshe (Moses), Abrawham (Abraham), Yashu’a (Jesus) and so forth can only be found in the Bible as proof.  No other neighboring cultures have records of these stories except them, with the exceptions of the partial stories they themselves plagiarized from other cultures.

As far as truth, belief and fact goes, these definitions do not only suite religious beliefs, but also life as a whole.  In these days and times we are in need a "school of thought" that recognizes and respects these definitions for what they are, and one that people will be able to apply to their lives. 
Nuwaubu is an attempt to do so by definition, for Nuwaubu is the science of sound right reasoning.  Nuwaubu teaches that truth can only be tested by experience, evidence and reason, and only then can a thing be weighed and then trusted.  Truth Is Truth Once It Has Been Weighed By Facts, Thus Before A Thing Can Be True It Has Be Tested.  Things must stand the test of scrutiny before becoming a part of the teachings of Nuwaubu, and that’s why we are taught to question and learn as much as GODLY possible.  I say to truely strive for perfection, one must not only gather facts, but also apply and teach them to the youth.  In this way humanity as a whole will heal itself of its weakness, and then the true GODDESS/GOD in us all will come back to save us and bring salvation!  SELF-SAVIOR (as our brother Clarence 13X said)!


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Afrika Bambaataa

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Afrika Bambaataa
Afrika Bambaataa a Tokio nel 2004 con DJ Yutaka (a destra).
Afrika Bambaataa a Tokio nel 2004 con DJ Yutaka (a destra).
Background information
Born April 17, 1957 (1957-04-17) (age 50)
Origin New York City, New York, U.S.
Genre(s) Hip Hop, Electro (music), Dance
Occupation(s) DJ, Producer
Instrument(s) Vocals, DJ
Years active 1977 – Present
Label(s) Tommy Boy Records
Soulsonic Force
Arthur Baker
John Lydon

Afrika Bambaataa is a DJ and community leader from the South Bronx, who was instrumental in the early development of hip hop throughout the 1970s. Like the majority of the early pioneers in Hip-Hop, he is of West Indian descent. On September 27, 2007, he was nominated for induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.




During a time in New York City where gang life was 5 times as
populated as the city’s police department, Hip Hop culture was emerging
in an attempt to stop the violence. Bambaataa was a founding member of
the Bronx River Projects-area street gang, The Savage Seven. Due to the explosive growth of the gang, it later became known as the Black Spades, and he rose to the position of Division Leader. After a life-changing visit to Africa, he changed his name to Afrika Bambaataa Aasim. Bambaataa was influenced by the courage and strategic brilliance of Shaka Zulu seen in the movie and TV series "Shaka Zulu".

Bambaataa decided to use his leadership to turn those involved in
the gang life into something more positive to the community. This began
the development of which soon later became known as the Universal Zulu Nation, a group of socially & politically aware rappers, B-boys, graffiti artists and other people involved in hip hop culture. By 1977, inspired by DJ Kool Herc and after getting his first equipment loaned to him from Disco King Mario, Bambaataa had begun organizing block parties all around the South Bronx. He even faced his mentor, Disco King Mario in a DJ battle.

Bam began Performing at Stevenson High School and forming a group
calling it the Bronx River organization, then Later the Organization.
Bam had deejayed with his own sound system at the Bronx River Community
Center, with Mr. Biggs, Queen Kenya, and Cowboy, who accompanied him in
performances in the community. Because of his prior status in the Black
Spades, Bam already had an established party crowd drawn from former
members of the gang. He became known as one of the best in the Bronx.

About a year later he reformed a group, calling it the Zulu Nation
(inspired by his wide studies on African history at the time). Five
b-boys (break dancers) joined him who he called the Shaka ZULU Kings,
a.k.a. ZULU Kings; there were also the Shaka Zulu Queens. As Bam
continued deejaying, more DJs, rappers, break dancers, graffiti
writers, and artists followed his parties, and he took them under his
wing and made them members of his Zulu Nation.

Bam formed the SoulSonic Force, which in its original makeup,
consisted of approximately twenty Zulu Nation members. Mr. Biggs, Queen
Kenya, DJ Cowboy SoulSonic Force (#2)-Mr. Biggs, Pow Wow, G.L.0.B.E.
(creator of the "MC popping" rap style), DJ Jazzy Jay Cosmic
Force-Queen Lisa Lee, Prince Ikey C, Ice Ice (#1), Chubby Chub; Jazzy
Five-DJ Jazzy Jay, Mr. Freeze, Master D.E.E., Kool DJ Red Alert,
Sundance, Ice Ice (#2), CharlieChew, Master Bee; Busy Bee Starski,
Akbar (Lil, Starski), Raheim. The personnel for the Soul Sonic Force
were groups within groups that Bam would perform and make records with.

In 1980, Bam and his groups made their first recording with Paul Winley Record titled, "Death Mix". Winley also recorded Soul Sonic Force‘s landmark single, "Zulu Nation Throwdown", produced by disco king mario. Disappointed with the results of the single Bam left the company.

In 1982, Hip-Hop artist Fab 5 Freddy was putting together music
packages in the largely white downtown Manhattan New-Wave clubs, and
invited Bam to perform at one of them, called the Mudd Club. It was the
first time Bam had performed before a predominantly white crowd, making
it the first time Hip Hop fused with White culture. Attendance for
Bam’s parties downtown became so large that he had to move to larger
venues, first to the Ritz, with Malcolm McLaren’s group, Bow Wow Wow
(and where the Rock Steady Crew b-boys became part of the Zulu Nation),
then to the Peppermint Lounge, The Jefferson, Negril, Danceteria, and
the Roxy. "Planet Rock", a popular single, came out that June under the name Afrika Bambaataa and the Soulsonic Force. The song melded electronic hip hop beats with the main melody from Kraftwerk‘s "Trans-Europe Express", as well as portions from records by Ennio Morricone and Captain Sky – thus creating a new style of music altogether, electro funk. It influenced many styles of electronic and dance music, e.g. freestyle music, house music and techno music.

Bambaataa organized the very first European hip hop tour. Along with himself were rapper and graffiti artist Rammellzee, Zulu Nation DJ Grand Mixer DXT (formerly Grand Mixer D.St), B-boy and B-girl crews the Rock Steady Crew, and the Double Dutch Girls, as well as legendary graffiti artists Fab 5 Freddy, Phase 2, Futura 2000, and Dondi.
Afrika Bambaataa is one of the three main originators of break-beat
deejaying, and is respectfully known as the "Grandfather" and
"Godfather" of Hip Hop Culture as well as The Father of The Electro
Funk Sound.

Bam’s second release around 1983 was "Looking for the Perfect Beat,"
then later, "Renegades of Funk," both with the same SoulSonic Force.
Bam began working with producer Bill Laswell at Jean Karakos’s
Celluloid Records, where he developed and placed two groups on the
label, "Time Zone" and "Shango". He did "Wildstyle" with Time Zone, and
in 1984 he did a duet with punk-rocker John Lydon and Time Zone, titled
"World Destruction" which was the first time ever that Hip Hop was mix
with Rock predating RunDmc’s duet with Areosmith "Walk This Way".
Shango’s album Shango Funk Theology was also released by the label in
1984. That same year Bam and other Hip Hop celebrities appeared in the
movie Beat Street. Bam also made a landmark recording with James Brown,
titled "Unity." It was admirably billed in music industry circles as
"the Godfather of Soul meets the Godfather of Hip Hop."

Around October 1985 Bam and other music stars worked on the
antiapartheid album Sun City with Little Steven Van Zandt, Run-D.M.C.,
and Lou Reed and numerous others. During 1988 Bam recorded another
landmark piece as Afrika Bambaatea and Family. The work featured Nona
Hendryx, UB40, Boy George, George Clinton, Bootsy Collins, and
yellowman, and it was titled The Light. Bam had recorded a few other
works with Family three years earlier, one titled "Funk you" in 85, and
the other titled Beware (The Funk Is Everywhere) in 1986.

In 1990 Bam made Life magazine’s "Most Important Americans of the
20th Century" issue. He was also involved in the antiapartheid work
"Hip Hop Artists Against Apartheid" for Warlock Records. He teamed with
the Jungle Brothers to record the album Return to Planet Rock (The
Second Coming).

Greenstreet Records, John Baker, and Bam organized a concert at
Wembley Stadium in London for the A.N.C. (African National Congress),
in honor of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison. The concert brought
together performances by British and American rappers, and also
introduced both Nelson and Winnie Mandela and the A.N.C. to Hip-Hop
audiences. In relation to the event, the recording Ndodemnyama (Free
South Africa) helped raise approximately $30,000 for the A.N.C. Bam
also helped to raise funds for the organization in Italy.

In 1993 he left Tommy Boy and signed with Capitol Records, released The Light (as Afrika Bambaataa & the Family), which included aid from George Clinton, Bootsy Collins, Boy George and UB40.

Around the early 90’s, Hollywood began making a stream of violent
movies glorifying California gang life, fueling hype about "bloods" and
"crips". The bloods and crips, 2 major black street gangs that feud in
west coast ghettos, had now been adopted by New York and other east
coast hoodlums who admired the image seen on screen. A rash of
initiation assaults, raids and gang violence resurrected after being
denounced in the beginning stage of Hip Hop. Suddenly a trend of blood
and crip association and attire was seen in rap music. Gangs began to
target innocent people and fight with each other. Bambaataa, having
seen it before lead to increased negativity, began holding peace
conferences. Bam called on all gang leaders from the Latin kings street
gang, crips, and bloods and formed a peace treaty in the streets.
Bambaataa is credited for preventing huge gang wars and an outbreak of
crime while outsiders and politicians credited Rudy Guilianni, the
Mayor of NYC at the time.

From the mid-1990s, Bam returned to his electro roots, collaborating with Westbam (who was named after him) and culminating in 2004’s album Dark Matter Moving at the Speed of Light which featured Gary Numan and many others. In 2000, Rage Against the Machine covered Afrika’s song "Renegades of Funk" for their album Renegades. Also in 2000, Afrika Bambaataa collaborated with Leftfield on the song "Afrika Shox", the first single from Leftfield‘s Rhythm and Stealth. Afrika Shox is also popularly known from the soundtrack to Vanilla Sky. In 2006, he featured on the British singer Jamelia‘s album Walk With Me on a song called Do Me Right, and on Mekon‎‘s album Some Thing Came Up, on the track D-Funktional.

Bambaataa has also performed a variety of both hilarious and serious
voice over character roles in the international television series known
around the world as Kung Faux [1] from Dubtitled Entertainment and Tommy Boy Films [2].

On September 27, 2007, it was announced that Afrika Bambaataa was
one of the nine nominees for the 2008 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame



Year Title Label
1982 "Planet Rock" Tommy Boy Records (12")
1982 "Looking For The Perfect Beat" Tommy Boy Records (12")
1983 "Renegades of Funk" Tommy Boy Records (12")
1983 "Wildstyle" Celluloid Records (12")
1984 Frantic Situation (with Shango from the motion picture soundtrack "Beat Street") Tommy Boy Records
1985 Sun City (Artists United Against Apartheid) EMI
1986 Planet Rock: The Album Tommy Boy Records (12")
1986 Beware (The Funk Is Everywhere) Tommy Boy Records
1987 Death Mix Throwdown Blatant
1988 The Day EMI America
1991 The Decade of Darkness 1990-2000 EMI Records USA
1992 Don’t Stop… Planet Rock (The Remix EP) Tommy Boy (EP)
1993 "Zulu War Chant" Profile (12")
1993 "What’s the Name of this Nation?… Zulu" Profile (12")
1993 "Feeling Irie" DFC (12")
1994 "Pupunanny" DFC (12")
1994 "Feel the Vibe" DFC (12") (with Khayan)
1996 "Jazzin’" by Khayan ZYX
1996 Lost Generation Hottie
1996 Warlocks and Witches, Computer Chips, Microchips and You Profile
1997 Zulu Groove Hudson Vandam (Compilation)
1998 "Agharta – The City of Shamballa" Low Spirit (12") (with Westbam)
1999 Electro Funk Breakdown DMC
1999 Return to Planet Rock Berger Music
2000 Hydraulic Funk Strictly Hype
2000 Theme Of The United Nations w/ DJ Yutaka Avex Trax (Japan Only)
2001 Electro Funk Breakdown DMX (Compilation)
2001 Looking for the Perfect Beat: 1980-1985 Tommy Boy Records (Compilation)
2001 Lovage: Music To Make Love To Your Old Lady By Nathaniel Merriweather (Dan The Automator)
2004 Dark Matter Moving at the Speed of Light Tommy Boy Records
2005 Metal Tommy Boy Records
2005 Metal Remixes Tommy Boy Records

Music sample

Planet Rock (sample)

Planet Rock was released in 1982 and is widely known as a pioneering track for rap music as a whole, as well as for Bambaataa.

Problems listening to the file? See media help.


External links

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Flav Beat – Public Enemy Live a Rimini 2003

October 12th, 2007 Comments off

sketch by THX (2006)

Public Enemy live a Rimini 2003. Registrazione sul campo ed MP3 encoding: THX

flavor beat.mp3



Categories: emceeing, hip hop kulture Tags:

Italian Steel and Keith Haring fresco – Pisa

October 12th, 2007 1 comment

Keith Haring fresco in Pisa (photo: THX)

Some trains from the Pisa railroad station (10.2007); photos: THX (click on the photos)

Bonus Photos from the Firenze suburbs (photo: THX) 


Categories: graffiti writing Tags: ,