immagine tratta da http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funky_drummer
Sabato sera sono stato in un atelier di artisti e designer a Firenze per il vernissage di inaugurazione della mostra di Francesca "Machisei" Pagni; WJM e Jimmy hanno intrattenuto gli avventori della mostra con una bellissima selezione di dischi soul, funk, krautrock, hip hop e reggae, fra cui "Funky Drummer" di James Brown, nella versione lunga (9 minuti e 13 secondi), secondo la wikipedia James Brown, con il brano "Funky Drummer", detiene il record del disco piu’ campionato in assoluto, infatti migliaia di autori hanno usato e continuano ad usare il Funky Dummer beat nelle loro canzoni (prevalentemente nell’ambito del rap e del drum’n’bass, ma anche in altri contesti).
Se tutto va bene, se non ci saranno i "soliti" guasta feste che remano contro e soprattutto se non mi faranno girare i coglioni ancora prima di iniziare, la notte della vigilia di natale organizzero’ un tributo a James Brown nel primo anniversario della scomparsa di questo intramontabile artista… sperate, sperate che io tanto i dischi del Padrino del Soul me li ascolto anche a casa…
24 dicembre 2007 al cinema del CPA Firenze Sud dalle ore 22.00 (prima e dopo la proiezione del film a cura delle Officine Cinematografiche che iniziera alle 22.30 circa) fino a tarda notte. THX at the controlz. SOLO FOTTUTISSIMI DISCHI IN VINILE!!!! NO CD O MERDA MP3!!! ONLY MATHAFUCKIN’ VYNIL RECORDS!!! NO CD OR MP3 SHIT!!!!
James Brown, 3 Maggio 1933 – 25 dicembre 2006: The Hardest Working Man in Show Business, Soul Brother Number One, Mister Dynamite, Minister of The New New Super Heavy Funk, Mr. Please Please Please, The Boss, The Godfather of Soul… R.I.P.
Un bacione a WJM… Sparacchia!
Funky Drummer audio su youtube (versione 7 minuti e 3 secondi)
da http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funky_drummer :
Uses of the ["Funky Drummer" n.d.r] drum break
The "Funky Drummer" break has been used in literally hundreds of hip hop recordings, including famous tracks by Public Enemy, Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, A Tribe Called Quest and Big Daddy Kane. Its use was especially prolific during the 1980s before unlicensed sampling became illegal. Rapper and producer Edan‘s mixtape "Sound of the Funky Drummer" features only tracks which use the "Funky Drummer" beat. Public Enemy, X-Clan, and the Beastie Boys have all merged "Funky Drummer" with the descending guitar riff of the Black Flag song, Rise Above (from the Damaged album).
Many pop recordings outside the hip-hop genre have also sampled the "Funky Drummer" break, including Sinead O’Connor‘s song "I Am Stretched On Your Grave", Amon Tobin‘s "The Sighting" from the album Adventures in Foam, George Michael‘s "Waiting For That Day (You Can’t Always Get What You Want)", Pizzicato Five‘s "Baby Love Child", and Sublime‘s cover of the Grateful Dead‘s "Scarlet Begonias". A variation of the "Funky Drummer" rhythm was used in "Burning Bridges" (the theme song from the film Kelly’s Heroes) by The Mike Curb Congregation, and in Shep Pettibone‘s mix of Madonna‘s "Justify My Love". More recently, Dido has used the sample for her hit single Here With Me.
In some recordings the "Funky Drummer" beat is mechanically slowed
down or sped up. Other recordings do not sample the original recording
of the "Funky Drummer" break, but a re-recording of the same beat by a
studio drummer.
. For those that don’t know, he is THE funky drummer (James Brown’s former drummer)… the guy who came up with the
Stubblefield was a guest speaker for a music history class at York
University at the end of the ’06 school year. For those that don’t
know, he is THE funky drummer (James Brown’s former drummer)… the guy
who came up with the most sampled beats in HISTORY and was NEVER given
any credit.
From: muziquelle
Views: 21,491
Added: 1 year ago
Time: 00:20 |

un dipinto su tela di Francesca Pagni (aka Machisei)
Maison Bio – via aretina 281 50136 firenze 0039 055 650 44 15 maisonbiostudio@libero.it