some beats 4.2009

November 19th, 2010 Comments off
Categories: beat making Tags: , , , , ,

Unga bunga bunga

November 2nd, 2010 Comments off

Flavor Flav’s “Unga bunga bunga”

THE BUG + FLOW DAN + DJ HATCHA live @ Viper Theater (FI) 31/10/2010

October 30th, 2010 Comments off

Trick or Beat 3: 30 e 31 ottobre 2010

Domani notte di Halloween al Viper Theater con The Bug (uk), Flow Dan (uk), DJ Hatcha (uk) e Numa Crew (it):


THE BUG, nome caldo della due giorni del Viper,  accasato presso  le prestigiose etichette Ninja Tune e Hyperdub. Fin dai primi anni ’90 il producer londinese ha saputo reinterpretare un suono tutto suo costituito da una miscela esplosiva di industrial, dub e breakbeat che nel corso del tempo si è associata alla vibrante e crescente scena dubstep.
Dal ‘97 ad oggi The Bug ha collaborato con vari artisti, tra i quali: Dj Vadim, The Rootsman, Mc Daddy Freddy, Loefah, Kode9, Skream. Tra questi spicca anche MC FLOW DAN, fondatore del collettivo Roll Deep sul palco del Viper insieme a The Bug per una straordinaria e inedita performance.
Chiude la programmazione DJ HATCHA, attivo come dj garage e 2step  a Croydon (UK) città natale del primo filone del genere dubstep. Sotto la sua ala protettiva sono emersi anche i due prodigi della scena underground londinese Skream e Benga.

Recentemente la fiorentina NUMA CREW è salita alla ribalta della scena europea partecipando nel settembre 2010 all’Outlook il più importante festival mondiale dedicato alla dubstep music.

ingresso 6 € – 8 € – 10 €

the Amon Tobin mixxx

October 28th, 2010 Comments off

Technics 1200s on the chopping block?

October 27th, 2010 Comments off

Once again the technics sl-1200 turntable seems to going out of production.

I’ve heard it before (last year), but maybe is only a marketing tactic…


Production of the Technics 1200 and 1210 turntables will cease permanently this year, according to a statement that reportedly came from the product’s owners, Panasonic Japan.

Various blogs and websites have posted translations of the press release as of late, which was originally written in Japanese. Music technology website Audiobeef posted this version on Friday:

Regarding our analogue turntable products, we have to inform you of our decision to terminate the business within this year, regrettably. Here are the reasons which made us reach this conclusion.

1. Since beginning of last decade, our sales of turntables have been decreasing drastically. They’re almost one-fifteenth of the sales 10 years

2. Many key parts are no longer available as some of our suppliers stopped production or discontinued their businesses. Also, there is the risk that some key parts’ availabilities might stop suddenly, and these parts are only being produced for our turntables. In that case we cannot produce the products that we have taken orders for already.

We cannot help discontinuing production in advance in order to avoid the worst case scenario.

Word of the iconic turntable’s demise first cropped up a year ago when a similar statement leaked from Panasonic, only to be retracted shortly after a comment to Resident Advisor, a spokesperson from the company said there were “no current plans to discontinue the Technics brand and the production of Technics turntables.” More info will be posted on this story as it becomes Official Site: Panasonic


October 13th, 2010 Comments off

Iniziativa promossa da Switch – creative social network
Firenze – Giovedì 14 ottobre 2010
Nell’ambito della manifestazione D!

Incursioni artistiche alla riscoperta di spazi urbani di partecipazione

Per chi vuole dire NO alla Tessera del DJ l’appuntamento è il 14 Ottobre in Piazza Santa Maria Novella alle ore 17.00 e in Piazza San Lorenzo alle ore 21.00 (Firenze).


I motivi del nostro no

Il 3 Dicembre 2009 nella sede della Presidenza e Direzione Generale
della Società Italiana Autori Editori a Roma è stato firmato un
protocollo d’intesa tra la SIAE le Associazioni di categoria dei

Il Presidente SIAE Giorgio Assumma ha definito l’accordo storico e di
festa per la musica italiana : “ Nei momenti di crisi, è molto
importante il lavoro dei DJ di diffusione della musica. Questa licenza è
un riconoscimento e una legittimazione della loro attività.”

A noi però questa versione dei fatti non ha convinto fino in fondo,
così abbiamo spippolato su diversi forum e cercato qualche informazione
in più sulla cosiddetta “tessera del dj” e abbiamo scoperto che la
festa sarà sempre di più per la S.I.A.E. e sempre meno per la musica.

Ma prima di affrettare giudizi cerchiamo di fornire qualche informazione ai tanti “impanicati” da questa novità:

La tesserà servirà in primo luogo a regolarizzare le cosiddette “copie
lavoro”, ovvero le copie ottenute da supporto originale o da formato
digitale regolarmente acquistato online (e solo per queste !). Per poter
utilizzare legalmente queste riproduzioni durante un pubblico
spettacolo è necessaria una specifica autorizzazione da parte della SIAE
(la Tessera appunto).

Non si tratta, infatti, di riproduzioni private ad uso personale (a
questo scopo sono infatti sufficienti i diritti pagati al momento
dell’acquisto), ma di riproduzioni destinate all’uso in pubblico.

Il DJ deve inoltre compilare e aggiornare costantemente il proprio
catalogo delle riproduzioni effettuate, inserendolo nella propria
posizione S.I.A.E. … (un bel lavoro di data entry!).

Sulla base del proprio catalogo il dj pagherà le seguenti tariffe ogni anno:

• € 200 più IVA al 20% (€ 240) fino ad un massimo di 2.000 copie/lavoro

• € 400 più IVA al 20% (€ 480) fino ad un massimo di 5.000 copie/lavoro

• € 600 più IVA al 20% ( € 720) per il numero di copie/lavoro illimitato

Di ogni file musicale inserito dovrà comunque essere dimostrabile la
provenienza legale attraverso ricevuta o fattura di acquisto. Infatti
chi ha sottoscritto la licenza SIAE (Tessera del dj) non è affatto al
riparo da ulteriori richieste da parte delle case discografiche e da
enti che si occupano di “collecting” come SCF, o della Guardia di

La tessera regolarizza di fatti soltanto la possibilità di effettuare
delle copie su supporti digitali per l’esecuzione al pubblico
(preservandosi dalla violazione dell’articolo 171 ter della legge sul
diritto d’autore – fino a tre anni di carcere e multe fino a 15mila
euro), nonostante che molti Tribunali abbiano già riconosciuto che la
masterizzazione dei brani musicali provenienti da supporti originali
come da mp3 scaricati legalmente, su supporti di ogni tipo (dal cd-r a
chiavi USB, fino ad hard-disk e schede SD) è perfettamente in regola
con la legge (ciò si desume da una serie di sentenze a partire dal
Tribunale di Milano del 1° ottobre 2002, fino a una sentenza del 2005).

I paradossi sono dunque numerosi:

• il primo è che il dj si macchierebbe del reato di riproduzione  illecita volta alla pubblica esecuzione e rischierebbe per aver tratto guadagno economico dalla promozione di un’opera che ha legalmente acquistato e che ha diritto ad eseguire, ma solo in originale;

• in secondo luogo ricordiamo che già la S.I.A.E. recupera dei
profitti dalla vendita di ogni supporto vergine, anche se su quel DVD
copierò il video del mio matrimonio;

• Ogni esecuzione dal vivo viene già regolarmente tassata, fra
l’altro con tariffe molto più salate se la musica è esclusivamente
pre-registrata ed ancora più salate se il permesso è relativo al ballo
(entrambi i casi riguardano quasi esclusivamente i dj).

La Tessera del Dj rappresenta dunque la quarta imposta – fra dirette e indirette – che viene applicata all’esecuzione di un dj.

Crediamo che questa iniziativa sia inaccettabile, come inaccettabile è
la complicità delle associazioni di categoria che hanno sottoscritto
l’accordo: sotto la maschera di professionalità e il presunto
riconoscimento della figura professionale del dj si cela infatti
l’ennesima anacronistica iniziativa volta a limitare la diffusione della
musica e lo sviluppo dei canali di vendita e di promozione

Il web sta svincolando i produttori dalle major e dalle case
discografiche permettendo un mercato sempre più equo e diffuso,
garantendo una redistribuzione diretta dei diritti e dei profitti senza
la mediazioni di multinazionali e baracconi burocratici come la
S.I.A.E. .

La tessera del dj è un tentativo anti-storico di preservare i profitti
dei mediatori e gli stipendi dei troppi grigi impiegati che dicono di
stare “dalla parte di chi crea”: un’operazione antieducativa anche nei
confronti di chi – riconoscendo veramente il valore e il diritto degli
autori – preferisce acquistare on line piuttosto che scaricare
illegalemente, incentivando il ragionamento “ormai che ho pagato 200 €
mi conviene scaricare piuttosto che acquistare… ”

Suggeriamo infine che una società in cui per ogni categoria sociale
vengono create tessere, data base e moltiplicati i sistemi di controllo
è semplicemente una società meno libera.

questa non è un iniziativa a favore del download gratuito
indiscriminato. Ne tantomeno a favore del djing “farlocco”. La
proprietà intellettuale e la professionalità di un dj deve essere
tutelata. Ma non così!

dj Annalyze at the wheels

Categories: general Tags: , , , ,

NOISIA + Bonnot stasera al Viper Theatre (FI)

October 1st, 2010 Comments off

NOISIA (dj set) + Bonnot (live set) stasera al Viper

NOISIA è uno dei più influenti gruppi drum&bass della scena internazionale.

stasera si esibiranno al Viper Theatre Via Pistoiese / Via Lombardia h 21.00 – 8/10 euro + d.p  346 / 8577597

info —

NOISIA intervista —

The 10 Commandments Of Studio/Recording Equipment

September 27th, 2010 Comments off

i’ve found this great article posted by picalo32 today in the akai MPC forums website


The 10 Commandments as a Guideline of what steps should be followed before one considers purchasing Studio/Recording equipment.

1 * Thou Shalt “LEARN ABOUT MIDI”

“MIDI” is the language in which just about ALL music production equipment made within the last 20 years speaks! It is IMPERATIVE that you learn as much about MIDI as possible. Learn what it does and how it works. If you DON’T have a good grasp of how MIDI works, I suggest you DON’T BUY A DAMN THING! Purchasing Music production equipment without a basic knowledge of MIDI is like an American being dropped off in Russia and trying to communicate with the locals. You MUST know MIDI because I guarantee you that at some point in your budding production career you WILL have to deal with it. Plain and Simple

2 * Thou Shalt “READ THY MANUALS”

It NEVER ceases to amaze me, how many people come to forums like these asking for answers to complex questions that are covered DIRECTLY IN THE MANUAL! Why on earth would you totally disregard the knowledge given to you by the ENGINEERS, you know, the people that MADE THE DAMN DEVICE! I know that some manuals can be VERY difficult to read but you are gonna have to just “suck it up” and RE-READ it as many times as it takes for you to UNDERSTAND it. Sure, someone will eventually SPOON-FEED you the answer if you ask nicely enough but why take someones word for it when the answer is ALREADY GIVEN TO YOU. Stop being so DAMN LAZY and USE the materials at your disposal


You SHOULD have a basic knowledge of WHICH cables you need to hook up your gear. This is something that can be EASILY researched. ALMOST ALL of the gear you will use will have to be hooked up to something else at some point and knowing what cables you need is an ABSOLUTE MUST. Once again I have to suggest, If you DON’T KNOW about the various different cables used in music production, DON’T BUY A DAMN THING! You might be able to get someone to hook up your studio for you but if you are gonna RELY on that person every time you get a new piece then you might as well leave the music production to them.


I have seen too many poor souls fishing around in music gear stores who don’t have a clue as to what they need and why. There are a great many things to be considered before you start to purchase gear. You should put in the hours BEFORE HAND to make sure that the gear you purchase CAN ACTUALLY DO the things you need it to do. You are gonna get taken advantage of if you walk into a store and say. “What do I need to buy so I can make Beats” The internet is available to you so use it. Often times various websites have the Manuals uploaded before the gear even comes out so there is no excuse to end up with a piece of gear that doesn’t meet up to your expectations. In all the years that I have owned gear I have NEVER ran across a piece of gear that could not do what it’s Spec Sheet and owners manual SAID IT COULD DO. It’s up to you. You could do some research now and get the RIGHT piece for the job OR you can go out “Half-Cocked” and end up wasting lots of $$$$ on stuff that didn’t do the job you needed done.


Once you DO decide on a purchase, be committed to it. Don’t be so quick to give up on a piece of gear because it is difficult to learn at first. ALL gear has a learning curve based on its complexity and your personal music production knowledge. The more you use a piece the more its operating system will become familiar to you. Eventually you will be able to operate the gear effortlessly but it takes TIME. If you keep hopping from one piece to another you will never learn anything. Sometimes it will be rough but that’s what the manual is for. You also have places like this to help you out. Just make sure that if you end up parting with a piece of gear that it is because you outgrew that piece or it was not right for you. NOT because you didn’t KNOW how to use it.


One of the biggest pitfalls of new producers is what’s commonly referred to as G.A.S. or “Gear Acquisition Syndrome” There will ALWAYS be new and exciting pieces of gear on the market for you to spend your hard earned $$$$ on. Just remember YOU CANT OWN THEM ALL. You have to stay FOCUSED and remember why you got into music production…TO MAKE MUSIC, not to buy gear. Most young producers have limited budgets for gear so for most this wont be a problem but for those who are fortunate enough to spend whatever they like, remember this. The more stuff you buy the more stuff you have to LEARN. I am sure you may have heard the phrase “Jack of all trades, Master of none” Well the object hear is to MASTER the gear that we have and to make only those purchases that are NECESSARY for the advancement of our craft. Having a room full of gear might LOOK nice but it wont make you a better producer only a POORER one.


Keep in mind that the ONLY job of sales people is to SELL STUFF. When you go into music stores sales people WILL help you but their primary job is to sell you something. If you go in UNPREPARED and UNINFORMED there is a much greater chance that you will end up with the Most expensive gear that they can convince you to buy. It has been my personal experience that MOST of the sales people I have encountered had an EQUAL or LESSER amount of music production knowledge than I did! I am by no means a scholar, just someone who uses every available avenue to increase my knowledge about things that are important to me. Your BEST defense against these “False Prophets” is to have your homework DONE when you go in the store. Know what you want or at least what TYPE of gear you want. Know WHY you want it. That way you can keep a salesperson focused on getting you the gear that will best help you to achieve your goals, not the gear that will help him/her achieve their goal. (A Large Commission)


There are MANY opportunities for us to learn more about music production. As an aspiring “Super Producer” you should seek to learn AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE about music production. The industry is FLOODED with others just like you, who want to make their mark AND make that money. Anything you can do to separate yourself from the “Pack” will be beneficial. Go ahead, Read that article on “Getting better Vocals”, go to the library and check out that book on “Proper Mixing Techniques”. You MUST realize going into this that it is a NEVER ENDING cycle of learning that you will be involved in. There is SO much knowledge out there and you SHOULD want ALL of it. Read EVERYTHING that may have some knowledge pertaining to your craft. The more you STUDY the better you will be at what you do. It’s like going to school for the REST OF YOUR LIFE…now ask yourself….ARE YOU READY FOR THAT!?!?


I see a lot of people doing STUPID stuff to their ears all the time. Understand this…YOUR EARS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF EQUIPMENT YOU HAVE! You HAVE TO take care of your hearing in order to do your job well. I know you like to BLAST those headphones when you are working out. Well guess what? You are going to have to give up a lot of the BAD HABITS that you have learned over the years. No more “Rumbling” down the street with that brand new 1000 watt stereo ALL THE WAY UP in you new pimped out ride. No more playing Splinter Cell on X-BOX with the surround sound MAXED OUT. You have to use common sense. I Personally would MUCH RATHER lose my sight than lose my hearing. Without your ears there would be no music business! Let me repeat that….WITHOUT YOUR EARS THERE WOULD BE NO NEED FOR A MUSIC INDUSTRY BECAUSE THERE WOULD BE NO MUSIC……..Only Silence..

10 * Thou Shalt “REMAIN HUMBLE”

I know a lot of you are wondering…What does being HUMBLE have to do with music production? Well, I’ll tell you. Remaining HUMBLE will enable you to do EVERYTHING ELSE on this list. Humility will keep you GROUNDED so you will always have something to STRIVE for. Once you THINK you know everything you will become complacent. You will lose your DRIVE and slowly start to lose sight of your goals. Remembering that there is always something you can learn from the “Next Man” will keep you HUNGRY in the game and help to fuel your ambitions. We are ALL imperfect creatures and thus there is ALWAYS ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. Never become so cocky that you are not willing to LISTEN to the Ideas and Advice of other people. Always remember that this journey you are about to embark on is one of COMMITMENT, DETERMINATION and FOCUS. These are the things you will need aid you in your quest for SUCCESS…..

And Remember….

The race goes not to the SWIFT, nor to the STRONG, but to he that ENDURETH FOREVER!

I found this thought it might help some folks out.


PICTURIN Torino mural art festival

September 26th, 2010 Comments off

For the fall season of 2010 “Torino 2010: Capitale Europea dei Giovani” brings the international mural art event PICTURIN FESTIVAL, a contribution to the requalification of designated urban areas thanks to the participation of many national and international artists, who will confront and take part in the local graffiti scene.
The festival will be a meeting point to give way to personal creativity, and at the same time a place for the public to relate to the art of muralism and appreciate its deepest meanings.
The city, from downtown to its outskirts, will be hit by a blaze of colors and images, spacing on a dozen blind building façades and urban spots covering more than 3500 sq.m of painted surfaces.
PICTURIN FESTIVAL will be a container for a series of initiatives on the urban art scene and underground culture: artistic happenings (exhibitions, conferences, music, etc) sprouting from the lively and active local cultural movements to create relaxing chill-out moments for artists and public to mix in. Torino has always represented a reference point for culture, art and creativity. It seems as if the entrepreneurial and industrial tradition which has always characterized the city in its deepest structure has found vital lifeblood in the continuous and constant commitment to experiment and share new experiences and projects. An openness repeatedly confirmed throughout novelty and confrontation.
The event is financed by the Ministry of Youth, and planned and coordinated by: Murarte (a Youth Policies Department project), the Contrada Torino Onlus Foundation, and the urban creativity associations (ACU’s) operating on the territory (“Artefatti”, “Il Cerchio e Le Gocce” and “Style Orange”) in partnership with the international urban creativity observatory “INWARD” (International Network on Writing Art Research and Development).


no ai centri di espulsione!

September 23rd, 2010 Comments off

Una giornata contri i centri di identificazione ed espulsione (CIE) a Firenze in piazza Santo Spirito con gli Assalti Frontali. Sabato 25 settembre 2010.

In caso di pioggia la manifestazione si svolgera al CPA Firenze Sud, in via Villamagna 27a.
