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May 13th, 2012 Comments off

Hip Hop Appreciation week 2012 – renewal

Peace, Unity, Love and Respect Hiphoppas!


On behalf of Hip Hop Kulture worldwide, the International Hip Hop Council (IHHC) is pleased to announce the 15th Annual Hip Hop Appreciation Week 2012 (HHAW), will be celebrated May 13-19, 2012! After much conversation, input and consideration; we decided our theme for this year is RENEWAL!  In accordance with principle #9 of the Hip Hop Declaration Of Peace; Hiphoppas are encouraged to honor their ancestors, reflect upon their cultural contributions and appreciate the elements and principles of Hip Hop Kulture. A primary goal of Hip Hop Appreciation Week (HHAW) is to de-criminalize the public image of Hip Hop Kulture; by honoring our images, messages and common spirit!


HHAW is the perfect time for a RENEWAL of the consciousness that allowed Hip Hop to become the worldwide cultural force beyond the mainstream entertainment industry! Since the 1970’s there have been attempts by many declaring Hip Hop dead or soon to be! Hiphoppas are facing many challenges; the RENEWAL of Hip Hop Kulture will allow Hiphoppas to be empowered to take control of our culture, respect each other, organize ourselves and our resources as we work together through the issues we are facing locally, nationally and globally!


During Hip Hop Appreciation Week 2012 (HHAW),Hiphoppas are encouraged to restore, revive and recondition the good works we are doing through the elements Hip Hop Kulture (Breakin, Emceein, Graffiti Art, Deejayin, Beatboxin, Street Knowledge, Street Fashion, Street Language and Street Entrepreneurialism), as life-strategies for self–identification, self-improvement and self-empowerment, which ultimately leads to positive social change in our lives and communities!


In ancient wisdom it is written that you can, “…be transformed by the RENEWING of YOUR mind”. During HHAW there are many ways that Hiphoppas can demonstrate their RENEWAL to Hip Hop Kulture; attached are a few suggestions.  If you have questions, comments, concerns or require assistance launching a Hip Hop Appreciation Week event in your area; an IHHC authorized Hip Hop Kultural Advocate may be consulted; contact us at or


IHHC (9) Nine Renewable Suggestions for HHAW 2012:


  1. Review, study, teach and/or practice the pioneering wisdom that laid down the foundation to establish Hip Hop Kulture.
  2. Remind people of what Hip Hop Kulture has accomplished in less than 40 years; share our BEST music, videos; documentaries; influences, books, etc
  3. Renew the LOVE and RESPECT that Hiphoppas had for each other BEFORE we got involved with the entertainment industry.
  4. Recommit yourself to what Hip Hop Kulture means to you; decide how YOU can contribute to its development, growth and preservation.
  5. Reproduce and conduct workshops, lectures and creative presentations that teach the youth about the origins, elements and history of Hip Hop Kulture.
  6. Remember to tell people about artists, individuals and organizations that are actively doing good works in Hip Hop communities around the world.
  7. Reserve some time to volunteer with non-profit organizations; schools, community centers; share your gifts, talents and experiences.
  8. Restore the diversity of Hip Hop Kulture with HHAW events; include artists, parents, youth, educators, spiritual leaders, politicians and community stakeholders.
  9. Reestablish May 16th 2001, as our “Hip Hop Independence Day”; the day that the Hip Hop Declaration of Peace was presented to the United Nations to establish Hip Hop as an “international culture of peace and prosperity”.


source —

The Temple Of Hip Hop —

Loyalty message from Minista Zin One —

Categories: hip hop kulture Tags:

Donald “Duck” Dunn R.I.P.

May 13th, 2012 Comments off

Si è spento a Tokyo questa mattina il bassista e compositore Donald “Duck” Dunn, meglio conosciuto nell’ambiente discografico semplicemente come “Duck”. Donald balzò agli onori delle cronache per aver militato con Booker T. and the MGs inizialmente e poi nei Blues Brothers. Donald Dunn si trovava attualmente in Giappone per una serie di spettacoli. La notizia è stata resa nota grazie a Steve Cropper, che seguiva “Duck” nel tour e il comunicato rilasciato parla di una “morte nel sonno”. Steve Cropper, oltre a lavorare insieme a Duck coltivava con lui un’amicizia ormai di diversi anni.

L’ultima apparizione di Duck è stata al Tokyo Blue Note e il responsabile del locale Miho Harasawa ha semplicemente confermato la notizia senza ulteriori dettagli sul decesso. Una carriera, quella di Donald “Duck” Dunn magari non proprio conosciuta alle grandi masse ma di certo il compositore e bassista americano è stato in grado togliersi diverse soddisfazioni come quelle di aver suonato insieme a personaggi come Eric Clapton e Neil Young. Una vita dedicata alla ricerca musicale in quanto si è specializzato nel corso del tempo nella musica blues, soul e anche gospel guadagnando un importante Grammy Award nel 2007.

Donald Duck DunnDonald Duck Dunn | The Blues Brothers

Donald “Duck” Dunn, il bassista silenzioso dei Blues Brothers

Non solo carriera musicale per Duck che nel 1980 aveva partecipato anche al celebre film musicale “The Blues Brothers” curato da John Landis con John Belushi e moltissime star della musica americana. Un film indimenticabile assolutamente da vedere, almeno una volta nella vita. Nel film Duck si ricorda come un performer dalle pochissime parole, con una pipa perennemente in bocca dedito solo al suo lavoro di bassista.

Quasi fosse una premonizione, il 20-21 giugno nelle sale cinematografiche ci sarà un omaggio a “The Blues Brothers” per ricordare i trent’anni dalla scomparsa di John Belushi. Questa proiezione, ora, avrà anche un significato in più, sarà un omaggio anche alla vita di Duck. Un personaggio assolutamente non appariscente ma che vedeva la musica in modo assoluto, una vita dedicata al suo basso e alla musica. Non poteva finire diversamente l’esistenza di Donald “Duck” Dunn che, a totale sorpresa, si è spento serenamente, dopo una nottata passata a suonare.

Nato nel 1941 a Memphis e cresciuto sempre nella cittadina americana, la vita di Duck cambia proprio grazie all’incontro con colui che diventerà un amico e un personaggio inseparabile da Donald Dunn, Steve Cropper. Una amicizia che nasce da un profondo interesse musicale che viene concretizzato con diverse sperimentazioni, da band create al college, passando per alcuni singoli fino ad arrivare proprio ai Blues Brothers.


Categories: varie Tags:

RIP Adam Yauch a.k.a. MCA

May 5th, 2012 Comments off
Categories: emceeing, hip hop kulture Tags:

2 new rock podcasts

May 3rd, 2012 Comments off

podcast  # 1:

On the Wheels of Steel (mainly 80’s heavy metal) May 3, 2012 download link
stereo mp3 file 320kbps

Another hard rock podcast with a metallic flavour, featuring: Black Sabbath, Gillan, Blue Oyster Cult, Ennio Morricone, Motorhead, Ace Frehley, Saxon.


R.I.P. Ronnie James Dio (July 10, 1942 – May 16, 2010)

Ronnie James drawing by Thulcandra

“Whenever I get dumped, I nail the door shut so that no one can come inside, get a towel and clip it around my neck so it’s like a Superman cape, take off my shoes so I can slide across the room, and…get a fake mic, like a celery stick or a pen, and I play any record that features the vocalist Ronnie James Dio.”
—- Henry Rollins (quote from Breaking Up Is Hard To Do Spoken word – Sydney, Australia – 1/17/92)

bonus link:

Map of Metal —


podcast # 2:

Hard as a rock – (mainly 70’s hard rock) – download link

Here are some rock classics taken from my vinyl records collection (33s and 45s), featuring: Iron Butterfly, Mountain, Kovacs Kati, Black Sabbath, ZZ Top, Can, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Steppenwolf, Mick Jagger, Jimi Hendrix Experience, The Heartbreakers.

Compiled, mixed, recorded and encoded (in stereo mp3 file 320kbps) by me.

Boba Fettucini breaks

April 25th, 2012 Comments off
Enjoy these amazing breaks and fx for skratch and production use (mp3 format only, sorry)

DJ Boba Fettucini Presents Hey Hey Hey Fat Albert Breaks

WC @ emerson

April 23rd, 2012 Comments off

click to enlarge

Categories: general Tags: ,

DJ Muro On King of Diggin, Vinyl, 45RPM Cover Museum

April 22nd, 2012 Comments off


The Tokyo City Serious features DJ Muro discussing the first time that he heard hip-hop, meeting DJ Krush, and elevating his vinyl knowledge and collection. Muro also touches on the spread of his classic mixtape King of Diggin’ and his book of Japanese 7 inch cover artwork entitled 45RPM Cover Museum.

Peanut Butter Wolf – What’s In My Bag?

April 22nd, 2012 Comments off

See his full list of picks:…

Stones Throw founder Peanut Butter Wolf goes shopping at Amoeba Hollywood.

Rapropos. Il rap racconta la Francia

April 22nd, 2012 Comments off

domenica 22 aprile 2012 alle ore 21.30

Presentazione del libro Rapropos. Il rap racconta la Francia di Luca Gricinella, ed. AgenziaX. Interviene l’autore.

Dalle 19.30 pizza del forno a legna e vinili reggae a cura di Joker Smoker Sound System

serata benefit per il collettivo antipsichiatrico Antonin Artaud —

+ info —

Categories: emceeing, hip hop kulture, varie Tags:

Record Store Day – april 21, 2012

April 20th, 2012 Comments off

Domani 21 aprile sarà la giornata annuale dei negozi di dischi per la gioia di tutti gli amanti del disco in vinile;
potete controllare sul sito ufficiale del Record Store Day quale egozio di dischi vicino a voi aderisce all’iniziativa.




Our second favorite day of the year, the one where we get to play Santa and reveal the loot under the record-store-shaped tree (insert your own gift-revealing analogy here). We’re thrilled to tell you that the list of titles being released ONLY AT RECORD STORES is only a click away, in TWO versions: A handy PDF that you can use as a shopping/wish list and a Pull Down menu with more detail and artwork.  These are the pieces that are available only in REAL LIVE RECORD STORES on April 21, the fifth annual Record Store Day.  A few things we wanted to tell you first, though:

*We expect to have all available art up on the site in a few days. It’s a work in progress. Keep checking back if the art you’re looking for isn’t there.

*If you are accessing The List via our RSD GUIDE App on your phone, thanks! But know that the list is LARGE and has a lot of data. Just sayin’.


*There are three categories on this list. These are them:
RECORD STORE DAY EXCLUSIVE RELEASES. Exclusively available on Record Store Day at Record Store Day participating stores. Will not be available anywhere else in the same format.
RECORD STORE DAY LIMITED RUN/REGIONAL FOCUS RELEASES. Also exclusively available on Record Store Day at Record Store Day participating stores, but the quantities of these titles are EXTREMELY limited. Under 1000, and WAY under 1000 in some cases. We felt it was only right to put them on a special sub-list, so that everyone is clear on the odds.
‘RECORD STORE DAY FIRST’ RELEASE.  These are titles that you can find on Record Store Day at Record Store Day participating stores. So if you’re a fan of the artist, you get first listen. At some point in the future, generally four to six weeks, these titles will be available, in the same format, at other retailers.

*There is chatter in the world about other titles that may not be on the list. These may be things that have a 4/21 street date, but are not RSD releases. Something you want not on this list? If yes, are you going to buy it at an indie record store? If yes, awesome.

*We’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating. It’s always a good idea to be BFFs with your neighborhood record store and let them know what you might be looking for. They can’t guarantee you will walk out with what you want, but it’s a good place to start. ALL STORES MAY NOT ORDER ALL RELEASES. ALL STORES MAY NOT GET EVERYTHING THEY ORDER. Record Store Day titles are limited for a number of reasons, and all in all, that’s a good thing. But please bear that in mind when you find something isn’t available. We’re all grown-ups, right?

INTERNATIONAL LISTS. We don’t control what gets released in which countries. Someday, every release will be available everywhere without issues (we hope!) but that day’s not today. Meanwhile, here’s a link to what’s available on Record Store Day in other countries. (We’ll add more country links as they come in:




Categories: crate digging Tags: